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We've all been there.

Either you've made a bad title, or you've read one.

Let's take on the fanfiction word for example. If I type in One Direction fanfiction, how many will have similar titles? Let's see!

- Scarred

- The Secret Affairs

- cinderella story?

- Tomboy

- I'm Pregnant

- Abused.

- He's My Brother?

- Abused ♥

- Pregnant With Niall Horan's Baby

- I'm Too Young For This (sequel to I'm Pregnant)

Damn. I've seen these way too many times. Abused? Really? Is that all you could come up with? Sorry if anyone has this title, but to be honest, that's kind of super clichés and overused. If I type in Abused, how many fandoms will pop up? Let's see!

- One Direction

- 5SOS

- Justin Beiber

- Werewolf Stuff

- (More Werewolf Shizz)

- Ray Ray

- Luke Hemmings


See what I mean? An original title is just so rare. I won't say my titles are the most eye-catching, I could have done better, (MAYBE), but the names are perfect for my stories.

It's Callie, fits my story well, as does Glass.

Anyway, you have to pick a title for your story. A name that is so unique that when you type of the name, yours is the only one that pops up. The only one people will wanna check out when they glance at your profile. In the Wattpad world, a good title is like a good opening paragraph: it should be interesting. It should attract the reader's attention. At the very least, it should be appropriate to the rest of the piece.

So here is some ways to come up with good titles:

1. Recurring Themes!

Look throughout your story a look for a recurring theme. Is it romance? Is it betrayal?

For my sake, lets pretend it's murder. Look up synonyms of murder and this will pop up: slaying, execution, kill, mutilate, mangle, distort.

You could do so many things with those words. You can mix them together, like Mangled and Distorted, or make a phrase, such as, To Execute Me, or Mutilate My Mind. Something that's catchy, and witty.


2. Hidden Meaning Titles...

Think of something you will uncover in your story. Is it perhaps that your OCs father is actually a mad scientist? Then make a title related to that, like Mad Hatred, or Scientifically Biological. Something related to the Hidden Meaning.

My book Glass is called Glass because of something that happens later.


3. Existing Stuff!

Try looking into old works, like Shakespeare, or the Bible. Look for quotes or words, or even titles of chapters that would fit your story.

If you're really into it, try using the title, but twist it into you're own little thing, like: Grapes of Wrath to Wrath of Grapes.


4. Name

A title can be a person's name. Think about your main character, or a place in your book.

Jurassic Park, Hannibal, and Forrest Gump are famous examples.

My book, It's Callie, is actually named after my main characters alias as a model.


5. Event of Activity

A title can be an event, or something that happens, such as Pleading Guilty, Dodging the Bullet, Fight Fire With Fire, etc.


6. Patterns

A number of famous writers have come up with a way to make their titles do extra work for them. How? They create titles that follow a pattern unique to their particular "series" of stories.

• Janet Evanovich uses numbers:

One for the Money,

Two for the Dough,

Three to Get Deadly,

Four to Score.

• Sue Grafton uses letters of the alphabet:

A is for Alibi,

B is for Burglar,

C is for Corpse,

D is for Deadbeat.

• James Patterson chooses nursery rhymes:

Roses are Red,

Jack and Jill,

Three Blind Mice,

Along Came a Spider.

• • According to Pat Kubis and Bob Howland in The Complete Guide to Writing Fiction and Nonfiction, "You need a good title to attract an editor's eye. Remember, it's the first thing he or she sees of your work--and the editor who likes your title will begin reading your manuscript in an optimistic frame of mind."

And we writers need every advantage we can get . . .

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Those were my six ways on how to get an original title.

Hopefully you enjoyed,




BAI! ~ ♥

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