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I always find this difficult. How the heck can a girl get into a guys mind and write as if she IS one?

I know even some guys have trouble writing in male point of view even though girls are so much easier to write. At least, in my opinion. Girls are silly and can fall in love easily. Girls get emotional very quickly. Girls are just...girls. Although some guys can't seem to get into a girls head as easily.

The most asked question is: how do you make realistic male characters? Making realistic male characters isn't something you can learn over night, but it is something you can really research online to help. Mostly, you need talent. Luckily you've been fortunate enough to run across my book and this specific chapter about how to write in a dudes POV. Let me tell you, I hate it when the guy in the story is so macho, and then when you get inside of his mind he's whiny, girlish, and bratty. I doubt that is what real men are like, and if they are, then I have their mind frame down to a tee. I mean I have a hard enough time trying to figure out what my brother thinks, so how can I write in male POV? WELL that is what this chapter is about.

What girls think:

When a guy says your hair looks nice, most women assume that there is some hidden meaning behind it that we somehow can't understand, such as:

Your hair usually looks terrible. It’s about time you did something right with it.

Your makeup is a mess, but at least your hair is OK.

You’re fat. The hair compensates a little, but you’re still fat.

Let’s hop in bed, you nymph, you.

First of all, what stupid freaking guy would call a woman fat and still live to see the sun?

What guys think:

The reality is that when a guy says, “Your hair looks nice today,” the secret encoded message which he hopes you pick up is, “Your hair looks nice today.” In the vast majority of cases, that’s all he means. No more. No less. There is no implication that your hair looked bad yesterday or that your makeup suffers by comparison or that you have a weight problem or that it’s time for a roll in the hay.

Furthermore, the guy is not fishing for some return compliment. It’s quite plausible that the guy in question doesn’t even view his comment as an actual compliment. Likely as not, this guy is merely making an observation akin to “Nice weather we’re having today,” or “The Dow is up ten points today,” or “The Padres are making a nice run at the division championship this year.”

So ladies, when a guy says, “Your hair looks nice today,” the correct response is, “Thank you! That’s so sweet of you to say so.”

Some examples of wrong responses are:

♠ “What was wrong with it yesterday?”

♠ “Don’t you like my mascara?”

♠ “I’m trying to lose ten pounds, so cut me some slack, all right?”

♠ “Sorry, but I’m not that easy, you dirty-minded lecher.”

•  •  • There are three essential ways in which men differ from women. These are in decreasing order of importance:

#1: Ego.

The male ego is on average different from the female ego. The male ego can drive a guy to do things that are slightly crazy or a lot crazy. There is no simple explanation for this, and asking for one is never going to get an honest answer. The male ego can get a bridge built but it can also result in a torn ACL. Go figure.

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