Chapter 2

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Maya, Diana's colleague and best friend, laughed uncontrollably when she told her about her perverted butler.

"You should have called me last night, I would love to go there and check on you two." Maya was still giggling.

"Oh, don't worry, he will arrive in fifteen min... Oh shit! I promised to help Josephine setting up the meeting room."

"I'll help her, you can go."

"No, you don't understand, she will be furious if I run off. You know how much she hated me."

"Di! Who can be furious to a Wellesley?"

"Yeah but she doesn't know, " she whispered, "no one in this place knows except you and the big boss."

"I'll tell her who you are," Maya offered.

"No! I'll call James to cancel."

"I think it's too late. Hot guy, ten o'clock, I think that's James." She informed Diana before putting on her headphone and dialled a number.

Diana turned around and saw him walking into the building, strolling across the lobby casually and stopped at their reception desk.

"Ready?" he asked with a small smile on his face. His gloomy mood last night was gone obviously.

He looked neat as usual with his butler uniform that had Wellesley emblem on his left chest.

"I can't go." Diana cringed when his face hardened.


"I have things to do."

"What things?" he looked impatient.

"I need to help my boss setting up the meeting room."

"Setting up a meeting room? Call your boss, I will speak to her. You should be up there doing important job, not setting up a meeting room."


"Please call." He insisted.

"No!" she pouted.

"I already called her. She will be here any minutes." Maya raised her hand trying to stop the quarrel between a princess and her butler which seemed to be very cute in her eyes.

"Hi, I am Maya, Diana's best friend." She then extended her hand toward James and he took it. "James, Miss Ana's butler." He introduced himself warmly with a big smile on his face.

"I wish you smiled at me like that... " Diana grumbled.

The lift bell was ringing and Josephine walked out, her face didn't seem happy about whatever Maya told her on the phone.

"Is that your boss?" he asked and Diana nodded.

He pulled down his suit and walked toward her with a confidence that Diana could never imagine. They talked briefly and soon Josephine nodded before walking back into the lift.

"Let's go, she doesn't need you upstairs today."

"What did you tell her?" Diana pulled out her bag and wore her flats.

"Mr Wellesley summons you to his mansion. Those shoes are horrible." James eyed her shoes disapprovingly.

"Smooth!" Maya grinned. "Well, enjoy your shopping and don't rush. I'll be fine. Just get me something nice!" She waved and turned her attention back into her screen.

"Nice office you have here." He looked around checking the interior of the lobby when his eyes caught a pair of big frames on the wall.

"That's the founder of the company, my dad and Mr Str...."

Miss Ana's Butler        #SYTYCW15 #specialeditionWhere stories live. Discover now