Chapter 22

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Diana was exhausted from the jetlag and the amount of hours that she had to travel country to country to chase Nicholas.

That guy really knew how to avoid someone in style. He flew with his private jet, messed up his business schedule that Cloe arranged for him just to get away from Diana and drove her crazy in the process.

She had visited the company branches from Dubai to Singapore but she always missed by a few hours from his last business meeting. And when she finally got the latest tips from Cloe, she instructed her pilot to fly her back to Sydney, furious with how James had played her.

He was literally circling the world to avoid her and now he was back to Sydney? He took over the Sydney's branch and sent Garry to London? How convenient!

What the fuck did he want? She cursed inwardly, slamming the door of her five-hundred-thousand-dollar car and entered her office.

She saw all eyes following her when she rocked out the lift looking stunning in her designer dress accompanied by her high heels that click-clacking against the marble floor. First time she was back to the office from her long holiday, from the unexpected announcement.

She bet the whole office knew the latest story, that the humble receptionist was in fact their boss' daughter now.

She was a bit nervous but she quickly shook it off. She didn't have time for it, she wanted to find Nicholas now and would make him regret for rejecting to talk to her and running away from her for a week.

"Welcome back Diana. Congratulations." Mike waved from his desk and followed by a bunch more. Some of them raised their thumbs up and some of them held their laughs.

Diana rolled her eyes. She knew what they meant. That news must have spread like crazy after that mad blogger Ray Wood posted her window-scene photo in the Internet and it went viral till today. It even went into the TV news and decorated the first page of newspapers around the world. That bastard Ray Wood..... There was no use for blocking him entering the party, he got the best shot from outside the gate!

"Hey Diana... " Wilson called out, "Where are you going? Up to seduce the new boss?"

The last comment made her stop walking. She slowly reversed her steps until she was standing in front of his desk.

"Whoooooaaaa dude..... " someone yelled.

Wilson clearly was too drunk to remember what was going on in the pub a while ago, and since nobody bothered to tell him, he thought he could still harass Diana, like he harassed other girls.

"What did you say?" Diana asked.

"I said, why are you dressing up like that, are you going to seduce the new boss?" He repeated his statement.

"Where were you for the last three weeks Wilson?" Diana asked, more curious than angry of how Wilson didn't know the latest news about her status.

"Thailand, I just got back today... why?" He looked confused.

But she smiled instead, she took a deep breath before talking so gently toward him, "Wilson listen to me carefully. Google who Edward Wellesley long lost daughter is. Oh no, don't bother, let me tell you, Edward Wellesley is my father and that new boss in that office is my fiancé. I practically own your ass. I would be careful if I were you."

She tapped his desk lightly with her index finger as she saw his face went pale, "So, from now on, try to be more professional or I will do something about it!" and without even waiting for his reply she continued to search for Nicholas.

She walked further into the secluded area at the end of the floor, and stopped by Cloe's desk which was next to the door into the CEO's office.

"Hi Cloe, is he inside?" Diana greeted Cloe who nodded and signaled her to go ahead.

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