Chapter 7

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Another day, another Skype mentoring from her dad. His intense demand for her to sharpen her business skills fried Diana's brain. Last week he put her into a phone conference in his business meeting. It wasn't that bad since she had only have to listen but after a while Edward told her that she had to speak up too sometimes.

She blew a long tired breath. The pressure from her new family wormed into her nerve. She didn't mind working hard. She'd done that since she was little, but working on something that she didn't know about surely stressed her out.

She felt like she went into the wrong crowd. She was nobody to begin with, no degree, no experience, nothing, zero, even with all these private lessons from top mentors that her father could get his hand on still didn't built her self-confidence. Yet her dad never stopped reminding her that success didn't come from a university degree but more to willingness to learn and working twice harder than the rest.

She didn't know whom to talk to. Maya knew everything about her problem but she couldn't help her either.

She could talk to Nana, but she didn't want to worry her. Besides she didn't want Nana to change her mind about giving her away to her dad.

No, she didn't want Nana to know that Edward had pushed her to be a true Wellesley. That her dad wanted her to learn faster and turned herself to be a worthy heir.

Nana would be furious if she found out about how much pressure Diana was under and she would asked her to get out and forgot about Wellesley and Diana's life would be back into the boring one.

While deep down inside Diana loved the challenges, only she'd struggled to tackle them and if she wanted to be honest with herself, she started to like James and she didn't want to be separated from him anytime soon. He had helped her a lot, he motivated her, protected her and taken good care of her. In a weird way, but he did. And even he didn't say it out she knew he would be there for her, no doubt about it.

She threw her pen carelessly on the desk and rubbed her eyes with her knuckles. She took a day off from her work just to be in this call with her dad. Josephine didn't let her at first but she managed to persuade her manager at the end without having to run into the big boss' office and ask him to deal with this stubborn woman.

She was exhausted, she didn't have much sleep lately because she had to write all these reports that her dad gave her. She just realised how busy he was. She got access into his calendar and what she saw was just meeting and meeting and another meeting.

And the bad news was, he would tell his secretary to email every meeting minute to her to keep her in the loop. He would then call her to talk about those notes.

She thought being a receptionist who also had to take care of the office and the pantry and the stationary and all the complaints from the staff member was hard, she realised that her dad's job was way harder. He probably deserved his forty billion after all. He'd worked his ass off apparently.

"Miss Ana... " James stood at her door.

"Yes." She straightened her seat before he had the chance to complain about how slumping would ruin her posture.

"Would you like some snacks?" he lifted his tray containing a bowl of celery and carrot sticks and a glass of ice lemon tea on it.

"No." she cringed, she hated celery.

"Are you sure?" he entered her room and placed his tray on her desk. He wasn't asking, he was pushing her to boost her metabolism. "Eat!" he ordered.

"Why are you so mean?" she grumbled pushing a piece of celery into her mouth.

"What are you doing?" James checked on her computer screen.

Miss Ana's Butler        #SYTYCW15 #specialeditionWhere stories live. Discover now