Chapter 9

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Sunny Sunday and Diana was in a good mood, nothing beats that!

James was sitting alone in the kitchen checking his work emails when Nana woke up from her nap. "Where's everyone?" she was confused by of how quiet the house was.

"I gave them a day off and sent them to a harbour cruise. Miss Ana is out there sunbathing." He replied and closed his laptop, obviously didn't want Nana to know that he was working on his CEO job that surprisingly his dad didn't take away from him.

"Aren't you the sweetest?" Nana looked impressed.

"It's Miss Ana's order. She said a happy staff means a happy boss."

"Oh, she's always like that. That kid, she's the best." Nana took a seat on the dining table with a small sigh she asked, "James, would you be a dear and get me a cup of tea please?"

"Sure Mrs Sullivan. I'll be right back." He disappeared into the kitchen. Minutes later he came back carrying a tray with a teapot and a piece of cake which Nana welcomed with great delight.

"Thank you dear, that is a very pretty looking cake." She commented, "Will you sit here and have tea with me?" she signalled him to sit.

"How are you dear?" she asked, after James poured her favourite peppermint tea into her cup then his own cup. The minty fragrance refreshed the air. Nana closed her eyes and inhaled it deeply.

James blinked, "Me? I am fine, thank you for asking." he hesitantly answered.

"Mark and the girls are nice to you? I know Janice wasn't."

He grinned, "Janice is special. I told her what to cook for Miss Ana and she didn't like it. She said she wants to spoil her with her traditional cooking, not with my fat-free nonsense menus. "

"I noticed. She was rambling and slamming pots and pans in the kitchen for days." Nana laughed, "But you're right, her cooking was a little oily in my opinion."

"She's fine now." James nodded. "I wonder why."

"That's because Diana talked to her."

"She did?"

"She cared about you, you know." Nana winked.

James stopped sipping his own tea, didn't belief what he just heard. Diana cared about him? Diana? The girl who slowly and painfully killing his dignity and patience was actually cared about him?

"She heard what people said behind your back."

James was in a total shock. He didn't know that people were talking about him, "What did they say?"

"Oh, nothing serious dear. Nothing serious." Nana wanted to lighten up the situation. "You know you can't please everyone."

"Mrs Sullivan, you can tell me. Please, I need to know so I can fix it."

"Oh how do I say this... You are a mean boss."


"Yes, first time you came, you bossed everyone around like a dictator. A little micromanaging I must say. You need to trust them more Dear. Compliment them not yell at them. And about Elena for coming late to work... She is a single mother and has a three-year-old son, she had to drive him to a child care, you know how traffic is in the morning... "

"I see... " James pressed his lips, he had no idea that Elena was a single mom with a three-year-old son. But again, work had nothing to do with personal business. "What do you think of me?" he dared ask.

"I think you're a very good employee, all you do is for the best of your boss. But the way you do it isn't that nice. You know, a little compassion goes a long way."

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