Chapter 10

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"Di, is that your dad?" Maya whispered and pointed out to the main glass doors.

Edward strolled in with a big smile on his face. Another man that seemed like his business partner Mr Stratford walked not too far from him followed by James.

"Dad? What are you doing here? Why didn't you call me?" Diana ran toward him and flew into his arms.

"I want to surprise you! Let me introduce you to Mr Stratford. You can call him Uncle Bill."

"Nice to meet you Uncle Bill." She shook William's hand.

"Nice to meet you too Diana. Your father talked a lot about you!" he smiled.

"Come with us upstairs." Edward touched her shoulder. "I want you to help me taking minutes. We are having a management meeting."

"Meeting? Why didn't I know about this?" She quickly grabbed her folder.

"It's because it was supposed to be just me and Garry but I changed my mind. I think I need to speak to all of you."

"Wait Dad... " She chased them.

"Mr Wellesley, Miss Ana... " James mumbled behind her. "Don't let anyone know who you are yet."

"Ugh... why are you here?" she gave him a glare.

"Why not?" he replied smugly. William shook his head knowing his smart-mouthed son too well.

"He's taking minutes for me Diana." William said without turning his head to see her.

"Ow... Cute..... Mr Secretary." she nudged his shoulder.

"He just didn't want to spend money to fly his secretary here." James whispered to her.

"I heard that!" William growled and Diana covered her mouth to stop herself from laughing. She recognised that William seemed to have a special bond with James.

They were so comfortable with each other even they didn't talk much but they seemed to understand each other pretty well and she couldn't ignore the fact that the way they moved and talk were similar. She was slightly curious but she quickly shook it off from her mind, maybe James had worked for William in the past.

When they reached upstairs, the main meeting room was already full of people. Everyone greeted the founders of the company warmly before taking a seat and soon the meeting started.

Diana sat next to her dad while James sat slightly behind her. He seemed relaxed and more like excited than nervous. First time for him to actually went up here in Diana's office.

James scanned the room with his blue eyes as if he tried to memorise every face and every name of the managers and when he saw Patrick's name tag he pressed his lips.

That guy, Patrick. Diana talked about him sometimes. She didn't sound like she was head over heels toward him, but James wasn't sure. Diana could mask her feeling like a professional poker player. She was good at it. And according to Maya, Diana had a crush on him since day one.

James looked around for a bit before shifting his eyes back to Patrick. He was pretty good looking with brown eyes and brown hair cut really short. His suit was pretty expensive, James recognised it. He was neat, he smiled a lot, his eyes shone with confident. His movement was calm and everyone seemed to like him. He was a serious rival James thought.

It was about twenty five people who had gathered today, with a few more joining via Skype. Eleven men and fourteen women sat around the table. Diana only knew Garry the big boss, young pathetic Wilson – the jackass from level ten, well, that what Maya called him since he did shit job but was promoted to be a manager last month because he knew someone who knew someone. Then her crush Patrick from account and Maksim, the scary Russian guy who never smiled, he was from IT. The rest she only recognised from the website, they must have come from different cities to attend this meeting.

Miss Ana's Butler        #SYTYCW15 #specialeditionNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ