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The New Secretary

Nicholas wondered where the hell his fiancé was this morning. She used to come to work earlier than he did and by the time he arrived in the office she would greet him from the reception desk and ready with his favourite coffee. But this morning, a new girl sat there and she didn't know where Diana went.

They could be engaged but Diana refused to live together. She said she wanted to concentrate on her study and Nicholas would only distract her. But Nicholas believed that she only wanted to punish him for running away from their engagement party two months ago. It upset him but nothing he could do to change her mind. This girl was as stubborn as a mule.

But to be honest he was kind of liking it now.

Looking forward to their date nights or coming to work just to see her cute face excited him. Not being able to touch her and kiss her anytime he wanted was a sweet torture for him. And he realised that such simple limitations made him see how precious Diana was to him.

Her idea of living separately wasn't that bad after all. It made him miss her every day and appreciate her more. And most of all he had no idea about what other crazy ideas that she was about to do to him, just like now .....

Nicholas got off from the lift, briefly greeted some staff who were already on their desks and continued to his office at the very end of the floor.

And as usual he would greet Cloe whose desk was next to his door before entering his own office.

"Good morning... " he mumbled, his eyes didn't leave the newspaper in his hand.

"Morning." Came a reply.

Nicholas stopped, the voice pushed him to look to his left and his jaw dropped.

"What are you doing here?" He raised his eyebrows at his fiancé who was sitting on Cloe's desk and smiling at him.

She wore a low-cut silky shirt that exposed her perfect cleavage, her long hair was ponytailed, showing off her gorgeous neck and fake glasses that framed her big brown eyes, making her look so different, so sexy, and so mature. Nicholas gulped.

"Cloe's husband broke his leg, she has to be in the hospital. I am covering for her. She told me you will be busy today." She broke his train of thought, of his plan to corner her and kiss her till his heart was content.

"Dressing up like that?" he asked innocently. Diana would never show off her asset if she didn't have to. She was modest in a way which he loved wholeheartedly. But today she went to the next level, even her makeup was different.

"Like what?" Diana frowned.

"Like... um... " he didn't continue but his eyes didn't leave her chest.

"James, my eyes are up here." She snapped her fingers.

Nicholas grinned.

"Do you want coffee? I'll make you some."

"Please." He almost choked when she stood up and walked away, her tight skirt showed off her curves, her calves shaped beautifully against her high heels.

She looked professional and acted professional but that didn't mean that her body language agreed. Nicholas wasn't sure that she did it on purpose but her hips which swayed graciously when she walked made his blood rushed to one particular point of his body.

Nicholas rushed into his office, slammed himself on his chair and tried his best to breathe evenly. It was only eight thirty in the morning and he was already sweating bullets.

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