Drunken Kiss

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I feel bad for bugging Keith's family but anytime I tell Keith about it I'm told that his family can suck it up. His mother, who asked me to call her Phillis, seems to think of me as "the daughter she never had" which gets both Keith and Lauren all offended. Lauren still makes me borrow some of her clothes and has repeatedly threatened to burn my old sweat pants. Zack still hates me, Steven does too. For whatever reason, Zack makes a point to call me a whore or a bitch when I barely talk to him at all and I've found my duffel bag in the hall numerous times which sparks a fight between Keith, Zack and Steven. I don't know why Keith bothers though. I got new glasses yesterday with the money from my dad. Keith tuned my guitar, which I didn't know he knew how to do. I still haven't exactly played it, I don't know why though. Lindsey has kept her distance a bit more lately except for gym. I think your now caught up on my wonder life currently.
I was editing part of our video when a conversation of interest was heard, did I listen through the wall? Maybe. "Why does she have to stay here?" It was Zack.
"She has no where else to go, Zackary, leave her alone." Keith argued back.
"Don't call me Zackary and why do you even care about the little whore?"
"Please she's far from a whore. Trust me."
"And he cares because he loooooves her." Lauren butted in and I felt my face heat.
"Shut up and mind your damn business." Keith snapped... He never denied it... I'm going to shut up now.
"Oh please! You snuck her into a carnival and won her a fucking bear, cliche if I do say so. You came in arguing last week about an issue she was having. And you made sure she came back inside." Lauren was gushing.
"So, she's a friend."
"You don't make friends."
"Gah, both you douchbags need to leave my life!" There was a slammed door and I peaked my head out the door. Lauren and Zack were both staring at the door.
"He likes you." Lauren concluded, looking at me over her shoulder.
"Yep, that's obvious now." Zack said in the same tone. My face was still red.
"Do you like him?" Lauren pulled me out of the doorway and I was sort of stunned in a lack to find a better word.
"I knew she doesn't!" Zack pointed with a smug grin.
"I... Might?" I answered, ignoring Zack's comment.
"I'm expecting grandchildren in five years, Alice!" Keith's mom yelled to me.
"Oh god." I mumbled, my face was matching my hair by now. I took refuge in Keith's room and fully focused on editing each scene together.
I still was awake hours later, I was actually talking to my aunt on Facebook, I would love to stay with her but she lives in Utah, while I'm stuck in California. A slamming door made me jump.
"Keith?" I called quietly I stepped into the living room. He stumbled onto the couch.
"Hey, Red." He slurred and I gulped.
"Why are you drunk?" I questioned, fear building in the pit of my stomach.
"Cause I felt like it? Duhhh." He dragged out the last syllable and nearly tripped on the carpet.
"Get to bed before you do something stupid."
"You don't tell me what to do, no one does." He sneered almost as a threat.
"P-please, just go to bed." I shivered, my voice cracking. He stood in front of me, towering over me more like. Lips were on mine in an instant. I turned my head and backed away, "You don't like me, do you?" He asked, looking like a sad puppy, if a puppy ever had a pierced eyebrow and lip.
"I-I never said that, I don't like you like this though." He stepped forwards.
"Keith. You're scaring me." I said, looking him in the eyes that were a muddled green instead of the normal piercing emerald color they were. He left and I slept, or didn't, on the couch in a ball. It was Friday night, nights he goes to parties but he's never come home drunk.

The sun rose and Steven woke up for work at 7, he was puzzled by me half-asleep on the couch but didn't question it. At 11 everyone else woke up, "Red, you ok?" A hand shook my shoulder and I jumped up. My eyes met his, his eyes were clearer. "Did I do something?" I shook my head and got up.
"What'd I do?" He queered, clueless.
"Nothing, Keith." I said, my voice gave me away.
"I did something!"
"You came home drunk if you remember anything."
"Yeah, oh."
"I'm sorry, Alice."
"Sorry isn't going to cut it. You scared the hell out of me, Keith!" I argued.
"I'm. Sorry. I wasn't thinking."
"Your lack of thinking gifted me a sleepless night, thank you."
"Just stop." I said finally and walked to the kitchen. The day went on and I actually went to the mall with Lauren. She didn't ask about our argument luckily, she was focused on getting me leggings and better shirts, there was even a Walking Dead dress I fell in love with. "So... What were you and Keith arguing about?" Remember how I said she didn't bug me about Keith? Throw that sentence away.
"It obviously wasn't nothing."
"Was it about feeeeelingsss?" She asked and I sighed.
"We were talking about our feelings on something alright."
"You can tell me."
"It's not something I like to talk about. It's between me and Keith only, sorry Laur." I said,
"You can trust me."
"Fine! He got drunk and I didn't like it."
"Oh..." She coughed awkwardly, dropping it all together but not before one last thing,
"I'm sure he didn't mean to get you worked up. It's not like he did anything too dumb right?".
"What did he do?"
"He tried to kiss me."
"Step-brother's-red-headed-science-partner-turned-love-interest say what?"
"He. Tried. To kiss me... Love interest?"
"What did you do?" She ignored my last question.
"I didn't let him, he reeked of alcohol."
"Oh my gosh, does he remember?"
"I don't think so, and you can't tell him." This went on and on all the drive back. Keith was the one to open the door and I walked right by him. I put my stuff away but when I turned, can you guess who was in the doorway. "Are you going to talk to me at all? I said I was sorry, I meant it for once." My eyes went to the floor and I shook my head, I squeezed by him and went to the kitchen. I grabbed a small handful of pretzels and walked passed him again when he followed me to the kitchen. I sat on the couch and watched the first thing that came on, Friends.
Dinner was ready and everyone sat down and ate quietly. I just pushed my food around, a few bites here and there. Lauren and Keith got into an argument about passing the butter a minute later.
"Maybe you should do something right for once."
"Oh please, I'm sorry I won't pass you the butter, your highness." The argument was hard to follow.
"Well you kissed her!" Suddenly came out of Lauren's mouth and Keith's eyebrows shot up and he looked like he was about to choke. "I did what?" I dropped my fork.
"Thanks, Lauren." I told her and she cringed at what she did. I left the table and the rest of the family joined I to a big argument.
"Keith what did you do?"
"Lauren, quit it with the big mouth." Was all I heard as I went to the balcony. I shut the door and sat on the chair that was outside Keith's room so I was out of sight. "So that's what I did?" Keith asked, sitting next to me.
"It was part of it." I answered him for the first time all day.
"Tell me the rest of it then."
"You came stumbling in and I was the only one awake. It was pitch black out so that didn't help. You wouldn't listen to me at all. You kept walking towards me and just ugh." He didn't seem to follow me.
"I've encountered one drunk in my life, each time I encountered him I got punched, kicked, starved, and worse. It was awful. Now, someone I trust fairly enough just comes up drunk, how am I supposed to-" I was cut off by lips on mine again, I didn't push away though. It was different than the one before, his lips weren't cold, there was no alcohol left on him. A spark sent a shiver down my spine. The kiss broke and our eyes met, his light green eyes piercing through my blue eyes. "Forgive me?" I couldn't find words, I gave a small nod and he kissed me again. Butterflies erupted in my stomach, a feeling that refused to leave.
It started getting late and surprisingly none of his family came out to see why we didn't come back inside for a little while.

As I showered the door knob jiggled. "I'm in here." I told him.
"I'm showering."
"I don't mind." He said suggestively and I cringed.
"I take pride in my title."
"I take pride in mine!"
"You're gross."
"You're abnormal." This wasn't arguing for once, it was just teasing. I got out of the shower before he broke the doorknob and got dressed in a tank too and shorts that were a size too small but I didn't have anything better. "I'm out. No need to break the door down." I said, opening the door with my hands up.
"Ha ha." He laughed monotonous, we were acting as today and last night never happened, I don't know if I should be relieved or not. I stretched out on my chair and put in my earbuds. "How much did you buy?" Keith asked, looking at the pile of clothes surprised. I took out an earbud.
"Blame Lauren, not me. She said she couldn't take the band t-shirts and sweats anymore." I said with a shrug.
"That must've been fun."
"It was better than being with you for the moment."
"I said sorry."
"And I forgave, I'm talking about how I felt this afternoon." I answered and he sighed. I yawned, I'm surprised I was still awake after no sleep the night before. "Why don't you go to bed, Red."
"Ha, red bed... I'm going to shut up now." I said, sleep kind of taking over my mind.
"Are you sure you don't want to switch, you take the bed, I take the floor?"
"Yep, I'm sure."
"If you don't take the bed I'll just have to toss you onto the bed." I scoffed in response, he wouldn't pick me up. Right?
"I'm fine, this is comfortable enough."
"Suit yourself." He said and in a quick sweep I was face first on the bed.
"Well that happened..."

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