Spitting Bullets

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I'm in detention today, thanks to Keith making me late. Keith was joining me though. "So..." I started, resting my feet on my desk.
"What did you do?" One of Mr. Silicone's Dream Team, Patricia, asked me.
"This idiot made me late." I said nudging Keith in the head with my shoe.
"Yeah, I made you late." He scoffed.
"You didn't wake me up until 7:50!" I exclaimed.
"Maybe you should set an alarm."
"You told me that they were too loud and always turn them off on me."
"Oh well."
"You're impossible!"
"Yet you stick around." He smirked and I rolled my eyes.
"What is the deal with you two? You act like a couple but I don't know."
"For once someone guessed it right. About damn time!" He shouted out. She looked confused.
"Before we started dating and we were just friends, people assumed we were dating, siblings, or freaking married with a kid."
"You're kidding, what kid?"
"My little sister." Keith clarified and she nodded.
"Wanna play cards with us?" She invited and cleared a space. I shrugged and moved over between her and her friends. The rest of the Dream Team was Dean, Chloe, Chris, Heath, and Erik, yes the same Erik. "So how was your trip with Ronny, man?" Erik asked him and Keith groaned.
"He keeps on sneezing up sand for some reason." Dean wrinkled his nose in disgust.
"You certainly kicked enough in his face." I looked at Keith and giggled.
"Why?!" Erik exclaimed.
"He broke a rule, so I took it in my hands to deal out the punishment."
"We buried him up to his neck in sand." I smiled.
"Niceee!" He dragged out the E. We resumed playing Poker. My uncle taught me to gamble and play poker by the time I could walk, I had this. "Amateur." I said under my breath as Dean made a bad call and I won the game with my next turn. "Pay up." I smirked.
"Oh god, she's getting the smirk. What have you done to the poor girl." Chloe shook her head and I laughed.
We were set free a bit later. I didn't notice Paisley, Sabrina, and Brooks with the other jocks outside until one of them tripped me. "Fuuu..." I cursed and I felt a shooting pain in my ankle.
"Oh no, are you ok?" Paisley fake gasped and I told her she was number one with the wrong finger. Her jaw fell open when I flipped her off and Keith helped me up. "I thought you three learned your lesson." Keith shoved Brooks back. He gulped and stared Keith in the eyes. That was as good an idea as trying to pet a rabid dog.
Brooks was soon hanging upside down from the school front fence. Paisley took off. "It wasn't my idea!" Sabrina blurted before running off, tripping in her heels.
"You ok?" Keith asked me.
"I've survived worse." I told him and we went to where Keith was parked. I felt like we were being watched on the ride home but put the feeling aside. I fell once I got off his bike. "C'mon." Keith offered me a hand and helped me stand up. It only lasted a second before I was picked up and carried bridal style. "Well this is happening." I said, caught by surprise.
"Let's go, if my mom asks, we were not in detention." He told me.
"Got it." I nodded and we started to go inside. He set me down on the couch, or dropped me. We started watching a movie, we agreed on JackAss for whatever reason. "Oh gross!" I covered my eyes for certain scenes. My phone rang and I picked it up. "Hello?"
"Hey, I thought we were supposed to edit today."
"Andrew? How the hell did you get my number?" Creep.
"Some girl gave it to me. What happened?"
"I got detention, we can do the stupid essay tomorrow." I said quieter so Ms. Salaway wouldn't hear it in the kitchen.
"Ok. See you tomorrow." What a weirdo.
"Who was that?" Keith asked.
"Remember that weird, annoying kid? We have to finish that essay and I forgot we were supposed to edit it today." I told him and he visibly relaxed.
"Ok, didn't you say he was a freak?"
"He's a total creep." I cringed at the thought of the guy.
"Well luckily you don't have to see him until tomorrow." He tried to lighten my mood.
"Yep." I said, leaning my head back on his shoulder. I shut my eyes and relaxed a bit. I heard Keith's phone go off, he cursed under his b  and he gently got up. I didn't have the energy to ask. The front door clicked open and shut again which told me he left.
I woke up later that night and Keith wasn't home yet. 'Be back -K' was my most recent text.
I called him and it went to voicemail. Where was he? I brushed it off and took a quick shower. Dinner was small and quiet. "I've noticed that it's very quiet. Where is he?" Steven said then looking at me.
"I don't know, I think he went out with his friends." I answered with a shrug.we
"You don't know?" Lauren asked.
"It's not like I track his every move, that's just creepy."
"We were going to tell him that we are going to buy a house once we're married." Ms. Salaway told me and I spit my water back in my glass as I took a sip. "What, really?" I coughed.
"Knowing your son pretty well, don't tell him what your going to do, tell him you're thinking about it so it doesn't sound like an order."
"I don't need your advice on how to raise a kid."
"Because you two are on such fantastic terms, I'm sorry to be harsh but he has this thing where he thinks you and Zack have this impression that he's trash."
"Well he isn't exactly the poster child for good behavior and he does God knows how many drugs."
"The most he used to do was a pack of cigarettes every few days. I haven't seen him smoke in a while. And what person has a clean record of behavior unless your a freak like me who had one until he showed up."
"Your not a freak." Lauren told me.
"Uh huh, sure." I rolled my eyes.
"He really isn't good for a girl like you." Steven shook his head.
"I thought I was a whore."
"I take it back."
"Uh huh. And without him I would've jumped off a bridge weeks ago." I mumbled lowly and it went dead quiet.
"Well this was fun, I'm going to try and call him for like the third time in the past hour." I clapped and put my plate in the sink.
I clicked on Keith's contact and waited as it rang and rang. I heard a click that meant someone picked up. "Keith?"
"Sorry, kid, it's Jace."
"Where are you guys?" I asked.
"Can't tell you now but uh... What? Ok. He says he'll be home in later tonight." A gun shot rang and I jumped.
"What the fuck? Was that a gun?!" I exclaimed.
"Don't worry about it, princess. See ya later." The line went dead and I took a deep breath. What was going on?!
Keith's PoV-

My phone went off as Red was falling asleep on my shoulder. I smirked down at her but my attention was diverted when my phone went off. 'Trouble, need help ASAP -Jace'
"Fucking hell." I cursed under my breath. I slowly got up, making sure not to wake her up. What did they do this time? I left without a word and made my way to my bike. "Where are you fuckers?" I asked as I picked up a call from Ty.
"Shoot-out in the alley by the tattoo place." He said shortly and multiple shots rang.
"Fan-fucking-tastic." I snapped.
"I kn- fuck!" There was a hacking sound and my blood went cold.
"Ty. Ty! Tyler!" I shouted and parked across the broken sidewalk as I followed the sound of shots. I ducked as a shot rang and a bullet flew over my head. Metal clattered next to me, I saw Jace who looked like he back-kicked the gun to me. It was cold and heavy though it fit perfect in my hand. I raised it and my finger found the trigger. I saw the guy who fired at me and did something I haven't in months, I squeezed my finger down on the trigger. He fell and multiple shouted could be heard.
My phone rang about twice as more of the guys went down. Ty was down, we couldn't help him, he was dying and we couldn't help. Jack's shot from only two weeks ago was bleeding again, my ears were ringing. Where were cops when you actually needed them? There here for a bar burning down but not when there is a shooting? Seriously. It was down to one guy, he dropped his pistol once Jace shot his leg. A bad shot for sure, we cat have him telling people who we are. My phone rang again and I looked at it, Red's face popped up and I tossed my phone to Jace. "Answer it, I have to deal with him. The rest of you, get pressure on Ty's stomach to stop anymore bleeding and help Jack with his arm." I ordered and they all nodded.
"So here's the scenario, dude. I can either kill you now so I stay out of jail or I let you live and me and my boys go rot. Got a family, man?"
"They were my family."
"Then I'm doing you a favor. The rest of us have families and or girls to take care of. We can't really afford anymore jail time."
"Then do it, K." Both our gangs have been fighting for a couple years now. This was the worst fight yet, people were dead. "Tell Red I'll be home later tonight." I yelled to Jace.
"Tell Alice I'll be back later tonight."
"Ok." I looked back to the guy and put a bust between his eyes.

It was a few more hours before we were able to hide the bodies where they would never be found. I pushed down my guilt as we lit the match behind the cement building. "Leave no evidence, alright boys?" I commanded monotonously. I felt numb, it was a familiar feeling though I haven't felt, or not felt, in a while. "How is he?"
"Got Georgia fixing him. We are lucky to have her." Erik answered back tonelessly.
"Yeah... I think I'm going to head back before there's a search party sent out for me." I tried to joke but I couldn't even bring any sarcasm or joking tone to my own voice.
"I'll tell the others that you left, we'll talk to you tomorrow." Erik nodded and I left, I hung my head low and got onto my bike and left. I opened the door and walking inside. My clothes were covered in blood that wasn't mine. I ditched my shirt and grabbed a beer from the fridge. "Hey." She greeted from a few feet away. She was being cautious for some reason. "Hey, I thought you'd be asleep."
"I couldn't. And I wanted to check on you." She said softly, the silence was so loud.
"I'm fine. Just been way too long a night."
"Want to head to bed?" She asked me and I felt a smile fight its way up from my twisted heart.
"Yeah. Let's go." I threw away my bottle that was still half empty and followed her to my room. I almost didn't feel human right now, I hated the feeling. "Hey, I'm glad you're home." She smiled up and me and went up on her toes to reach my lips. The numbness faded and I pressed my lips harder to her's and I felt her body hit the wall, I kissed her like I would die if I stopped, it was like it'd be the last time I ever would get to feel her lips move in sync to mine.

The Brains and the Bad Boy <Editing>Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat