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When we woke up, I still had my head in Keith's chest and his arm around me, I enjoyed it for a little longer until we both sat up strangely at the same time. "Uh, morning." I greeted sheepishly.
Keith chuckled, "morning, Red." I got up and grabbed a pair of new skinny jeans and a band Tee. I got dressed and went to get breakfast. Lauren was giggling over something as was Ms. Salaway as she peaked over Lauren's shoulder. "Look at them, it's so cute!" She squealed and I furrowed my eyebrows. I sat down by Lauren who immediately shut off her phone and put it down. "What was that?" I smiled curiously.
"Nothing, how'd you sleep?"
"Pretty good."
"I imagine." She sucked in her lips to keep a giggle back I could tell.
"What do you mean?"
"Well I came across something as I was going to borrow your phone charger..." She was ear to ear and it was creeping me out.
"What are we doing?" Keith asked as he sat down next to me.
"Ask her..." I eyed Lauren suspiciously.
"I usually avoid conversing with her." He said and I laughed softly. She finally showed us what was on her phone, it was a picture of me and Keith sleeping. My face burned red and I looked to Keith who tried to ignore it. "Look at the pretty delete button." I said and reached for the button. She quickly took her phone back and hid it. I groaned and continued to eat, a little annoyed now.
We got to school a bit late and got to class. "Projects are due tomorrow, people. Now can I tell you what I don't want to hear-" Mr. Silicone was interrupted by a raised hand by Paisley, one of Lindsey's "friends". "Me and Lindsey need an extra day, we aren't finished yet."
"There's a good example of what I don't want to hear!"
"Why can't you kids be more responsible, Alice already handed in her project." He gestured to me and I slouched in my seat. Why did I have to be the example. I looked over to Keith who was silently laughing at my embarrassment. "Just so I know what order to go in, who did a video for the project?" A few kids rose their hands including me.
"Ok, 1...2...ok so a few of you. How many did powerpoints...?" The rest of the class rose their hands and I tuned out whatever he said after. He put up a paper of who would go when on the board and let us go a bit early to our next class. "Looks like we're... Last." I said with a nod.
"We're back to that again?"
"Nah, just trying to bug you." He smiled and I laughed quietly. We were about to leave when the teacher wanted to say one more thing. "Alice, Keith?"
"Ugh, what?" Keith complained.
"Nice work, you two. Your video was quite entertaining." He complimented us. Keith shrugged and I gave a slight nod. "Thanks..." I said and he shooed us out to our next class.
"What does that mean? Did we do good? All he said was that it was entertaining." I questioned and Keith shrugged.  I went to my next class, he skipped his next one.
Seats were moved in English class, I had to sit next to Lindsey and Paisley now. "Hey, geek." Paisley whispered and I ignored her.
"Hey." I kept ignoring her until she elbowed me hard in the side. "Uh, ow?" I said and continued reading my book. "We need you to finish the last of our project."
"No thanks."
"You'll do it because I told you to." She growled and I laughed silently and emotionlessly.
"We don't need her to do it. She might mess it up on us." Lindsey said in her own way of defending me.
"We can't get it done by tomorrow, we need sleep. I couldn't care less if she sleeps in her little cave." I rolled my eyes.
"I'm. Not. Doing it," I smiled at her, "I know it's hard for your small brain to comprehend but, I'm not your little slave." She gaped at me, she scoffed and kept flipping through her book. I looked to Lindsey and gave a small half-smile, she nodded and turned to her book. My next two classes were pretty boring, History and Art aren't my best subjects. Lunch came and I sat by myself as usually. I didn't get lunch and I sat reading my book for English. "And you wonder why you're made fun of..." Keith said leaning on my table with his arms crossed.
"You know I've never done well in the friend department. Plus, I want to get this stupid book done so I don't have to do it later." I explained matter-of-factly and Keith rolled his eyes. "You have until spring break to get it done."
"That's a week from now." I reminded him.
"Put the damn book down already." He scoffed and I shook my head. He took the book from my hands and tossed it behind him, narrowly missing a girl. "Hey! Great, now you lost my page." I pouted.
"I think you'll live. How does ditching the last three periods sound?"
"No thanks, I already missed Science and History yesterday." I said.
"From what I hear, Zillmen and what's-her-face give us a free period Little Miss Goodie-Two-Shoes."
"Shut up, you're such an ass. But fine, I'll just say I wasn't feeling good or something." I sighed and got up, packing my backpack. I slung it over my shoulder, "let's go then."

"What are you two doing out of school?!" We opened the door to the apartment to find a irful Ms. Salaway. Keith looked as if he couldn't come up with a lie for once. With my luck, I sneezed. "I'm sorry, I started feeling a bit sick at school so Keith drove me back." I said, rasping my voice.
"Oh, I'm sorry sweetie. Maybe I'll take you to the doctor tomorrow. I know your foot hasn't gotten better."
"Oh that stopped hurting yesterday. I'm sure it's just a cold." I will refuse a doctor or hospital any chance I get, if they couldn't help my mom how could they help anyone? Keith's mom left to go back to work a few minutes later after she trapped me in a blanket on the couch. "Well that worked." I smirked,
"Aw, your even smirking now." Keith teased and I frowned and blushed lightly.
"No I'm not, now help me up." I said a bit demanding. He helped me out of the death tuck that I was put in. "Wanna watch a movie?" I asked and picked up the remote. "Sure what movie? I'm fine with any as long is not girly." I rolled my eyes.
"Endless Love?" I raised my eyebrows up and down.
"Oh god." He mumbled.
"I'm kidding, how about... Avengers?" I suggested and he shook his head.
"Then you pick." I gave him the remote and he half-smiled. He picked the fucking Shining, I was less than pleased. "Why this movie? I hate horror movies." I whined and he ignored it and turned it on.
I was pretty much hanging on Keith's arm for dear life though he didn't seem to mind. "Aw, is Red scared by the little movie?" He cooed and I hit the back of his head. "Hey, I'm only teasing."

The Brains and the Bad Boy <Editing>Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant