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Alice PoV-
"Why can't you just tell me what's going on?!" I argued with him.
"It's not something that you just openly talk about."
"I'm not asking you to announce it to the world, Keith. I'm asking you just to tell me so I know what's going on."
"You don't need to know everything, Alice."
"I know that, but I need to know the important stuff. Why can't you just tell me?" I asked him, this has been going on for the past half an hour.
"My office now." The guidance counselor ordered, it probably wasn't the brightest idea to fight in the school hallway.
"No fucking way." Keith cursed.
"Now, Mr. Salaway." She glowered at him and we trudged to her office.
"You could've just told me."
"Shut up, Red." He spat and I rolled my eyes. She told us to sit by her desk and wait. "Tell me what's the problem." She said softly as she sat down across from us. Neither of us answered. "I take it you two aren't the social types." She tried to joke and we stared at her blankly.
"I'm trying to help you two. I can't help you talk out your problems if you won't talk." She said softly and we literally burst out laughing.
"Talk out our problems? That's so stupid." I laughed.
"Look at that, we agree. Let's leave."
"Yeah, I'm missing class for this." I agreed and we got up to leave.
"I will give you a note. Sit back down."
"That doesn't make up for the work I'm missing, Ms. G."
"You can make it up." She justified.e
"Her? Make up work? Are we talking about he same girl?" Keith smirked and crossed his arms.
"Hey! I'm just sufficient." I pouted.
"Just go..." She sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. We left the room and started walking down the hall. "5 minutes and we are officially a lost cause for guidance." I shook my head and laughed.
"We are just too complex for her tiny mind."
"Aw, looks like you just needed a good laugh to not be a piece of ice."
"Uh huh." He said simply.
"Weren't we just fighting 5 minutes ago?"
"Yes, but we aren't going to now because we'll talk about it later." I said, batting my eyelashes.
"Oh joy..." He rolled his eyes, I half-smiled.
"Well I've missed 45 minutes of the period. Great." I groaned as I checked the time.
"All we are doing is the SAT practice shit. I'm pretty you've been ready to ace that stuff since you were 5." He said and I laughed.
"No, since I was 8." I joked and he smiled. The bell rang and I cursed.
"Well, time for Art." I said, brushing back my hair with my hand.
"Time to make sure Ty is still breathing..." I heard Keith mutter.
"Nothing." He coughed and I cocked my head to the side.
"Well, see you a little later." I shrugged it off and gave him a kiss. He held me there for that extra second that made people turn to look at us for that moment. I pulled away blushing. "You can find anyway to make a peck into something else, can't you?" I gave him a light shove.
"If you think that your getting away with just that than you aren't as smart as you think."
"I'm going to be late, I don't want to miss another class because of you. I'll see you later." I said finally and escaped his death grip on my hip. I found the Art room and took my seat. Why did I take this class, I hate art. I'm not artistic! "Today, we are sketching today. Nothing in particular, sketch what comes to mind." She told us with a clap. I sighed and took out my sketch book and a pencil. "Wasn't someone having fun in the hallway." I heard Lindsey joke lightly.
"Shut up." I turned red and slouched.
"He's your boyfriend, you don't need to be all embarrassed." She waved off my embarrassment.
"I'm just curious but, like, what was your first date?" She asked me and I thought for a moment.
"We really haven't been on one, I guess. Does that matter?" I asked and her mouth fell open.
"OMG yes it matters! How can you guys call yourselves official if you haven't been on a date?"
"I-I don't know, we just are? It's not that big a deal." I played with my hair nervously, she could at least whisper.
"If you say so." She said, pursing her lips and continuing her sketch.
"Your really good at this. I suck." I said peeking at her drawing.
"Thanks. I want to do something that has to do with drawing and art." She told me.
"I remember you were obsessed with that how-to draw book you got for your birthday in 4th grade." I remembered.
"You still remember that?" She asked me, furrowing her eyebrows.
"Yeah," I flashed a quick smile that faded fast, "I do." She looked down and turned forward again. An uncomfortable silence built up, you could cut the tension with a knife. "Are you two at least going to Junior Prom?" She asked me and I bit my lip.
"Oh you poor thing."
"But I don't want to go, it's not my thing. I'd much rather hang out than try to do my hair, makeup and buy some freakishly unaffordable dress is only wear once." I said and she raised her eyebrows.
"We are total opposites."
"You act like that's a bad thing." I said.
"Girls, your work needs to get done. You can talk when you're done." Ms. Criser chastised us and we turned forward again. The bell rang and we handed in our sketches before leaving. 'Had to leave, Jace has to pick you up -Keith.' His contact name was changed to The Hottest Guy You'll Ever Meet. What the fuck with the new contact name and what was he doing that Jace had to pick me up?
'Ok? Need explanation later.'
'No problem.' That was the last text I got before I went to Lunch. I sat down and opened my homework, getting to work a bit early. I could almost hear Keith in my head telling me to eat but I wasn't hungry, honestly, I wasn't. Before I knew it I was limping to the Gymnasium with my book, trying to pencil in the last answers. I felt my book get shoved out of my head and slap the floor. I bent down to collect what I dropped and I got kicked repeatedly to the ground by rushing feet.
I scrambled to get back up before I got shoved back down. I found the gym and went to get changed and put my stuff in my locker. "Such a freak! She never goes out." I heard Sabrina whispering.
"I do go out, thank you very much. I'm not deaf, Sabrina." I interrupted her snickering and she scoffed.
"Oh my god, is that a tattoo?!" One of her friends exclaimed in shock.
"Um, yeah?" I pulled down my gym shirt sleeve so she wouldn't comment on it any further. I don't need someone making me regret it when I don't. "It's actually really pretty." She said and I wasn't sure to take it as an insult or a complement, it sounded like both. Because she states it like I can't have anything remotely attractive on me but she did say it was pretty. I shrugged it off.
"Jaime, shut up." Sabrina seethed at her friend.
"Thanks, Jaime. I'm glad there's at least two actual human beings in the room." I said as I attempted to burn Sabrina to ash with my eyes. Jaime lowered her head to avert all eye contact with everyone. I found my spot on the bleachers with another girl who had asthma and never participated in gym. "Hi." She squeaked.
"Sup." I greeted awkwardly. She was quiet again so I opened my book and started to write. "Why aren't you playing?" She asked me quietly.
"Paisley tripped me the other day and I hurt my ankle." I answered, looking up briefly.
"Yikes. Must of hurt a lot."
"I've had worse." I dismissed.
"What do you mean?"
"Nothing, forget I said anything." I covered up quickly and burrowed back into my homework.
'Hey.' It was an unknown number but they were starting to get on my nerves.
'Who in hell is this?!' I replied.
'Keith gave me ur number, it's Jace.' Curse you, Keith.
'I'm working, leave me alone.'
'Well aren't you fun?' I turned off my phone and tossed it into my backpack. I felt something hit me in the head. A wiffle-ball. Uh, ow?! "Nice, Linds." Paisley cackled and I rolled my eyes. Lindsey mouthed an apology to me and I saw the ball roll away. "C'mon, Alice. Fetch." She said giving me that 'what are you going to do?' Look. I fake smiled and picked it up. I spiked it right at her and she fell on her ass.
"Oops." I said monotonously. Lindsey looked like she was trying to hold in her laugh but she burst. "I'm sorry but I can't." She giggled.
"What is wrong with you Lindsey?!" Paisley coughed and I smirked.
I gracefully found my seat. "Why would you do that?" The girl as I crossed my legs and continued reading.
"I'm not getting pushed around anymore. And you know it's ironic?" I questioned, closing my notebook.
"What?" She piped up.
"She calls me a dog when she's the bitch." I smirked.
"You are a female Keith, I swear." Lindsey shook her head as she shuffled through her bag. I laughed lightly, "why thank you."
'Want to leave early? -Jade'
'What the fucking fuck?! -JACE' I smiled a bit as I read his frustration.
'I need to go to class, so that's a no.' The bell rang and I got up. My bad ankle got kicked as I opened the door. I winced and bit my lip to keep from yelping.
Last period came pretty uneventfully until I got yet another text. 'I'm bored waiting in the parking lot. Can't I just pick you up early??? -Jade'
'I have a quiz, I don't feel like making it up tomorrow...' I replied and I heard a foot tapping in front of me. I looked up reluctantly to find my teacher standing in front of me. "The bell has rung Ms. Clery. Unless you want to read your oh-so important text message with your boyfriend out-loud, put it away." She glared down at me. I slid it back in my pocket.
"I think she should read it." Sabrina mentioned. Bitch... The teacher handed me my quiz and I went to work.

"Why did Keith have to pick a nerd of all girls in the state of Cali?" Jace cried as I approached his bike.
"Why did Keith have to pick a bunch of assholes as friends of all people in the state of California?" I imitated.
"Get on, I have to drop you off at Ty's place."
"That's where Keith is."
"Mkay... Jace, do you think he's been acting a bit off lately?"
"He's just in one of those moods, don't take it harshly." He told me and I nodded.

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