Spring Break

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We were all loading everything into the car. Keith was arguing over taking his bike. Ms. Salaway says he shouldn't have it in the first place and she doesn't want him to drive it the whole ride there. "I've driven her for two years, never had a problem."
"Didn't the brake snap two weeks ago?"
"I fixed it."
"Yes I'm sure."
"You know, it'd be nice if you didn't doubt me all the time?"
"I don't, I always believe in you."
"Except now, because?" The argument ended with Ms. Salaway confiscating the motorcycle keys. The car ride wasn't that bad. Lauren was talking nonstop which kept any awkward silences out of the question. I was half-asleep on Keith's shoulder. "I'm shocked that you have a labeled relationship beside Fuck Buddy for once." Lauren said.
"I've never had a Fuck Buddy. You realize that right?"
"You know what I mean."
"Not really."
"You've never had a real relationship with a girl!"
"Well now you just sound harsh."
"Oh. My. God you are so freaking irritating!"
"You can thank me later for putting you in a bad mood. Wake me up when we get there, since somebody had to wake me up at 7 in the fucking morning!" He said, meaning Steven.
"We're only twenty minutes away." Ms. Salaway reminded him.
"Sleep is sleep. And it means I don't have to listen to her for the rest of the drive." He said.
When we finally woke up we were at a nice-looking hotel. "Wow." I said, looking around at how nice everything was. We went up to our floor after checking in. We had rooms right next to eachother. "We got a room with two beds for you. And we got another room with two beds for Keith."
"Got it." Lauren said and Steven handed out the keys. We went to our room but noticed one thing that stood out, we only had one bed. "Weird." I shrugged and Keith put our stuff down.
"How does some beach time sound."
"Sure. I just need to get changed." I told him and he nodded. I put on my new bikini, even if I thought I looked awful in it was the only one I have. "Let's go." I said, grabbing my cover-up. I felt his hand brush against one of my scars on my leg. I looked up quickly, "Red?"
"They aren't from me." I downcast my eyes. He signed and pressed his lips to my forehead. "Hey maybe this vacation we can teach you to swim." He said changing the subject.
"If you think I'm touching the water, you are mistaken." I said before grabbing the keys
"It'll happen one way or another!"
"I won't allow it."
"Oh you won't?" He smirked.
"I don't even want to know what you're planning. Let's just go." I shook my head and we took the stairs to the back exit that led to the beach. Keith brought a surfboard and I noticed something. "Wait why did we take the stairs if they have a perfectly fine elevator?" I noticed.
"Probably." I shrugged and we set up at an empty spot on the crowded beach. I stretched out on my beach towel while Keith went towards the water. I noticed Lauren set up a umbrella and a beach blanket a few feet away from me. "Hey." I said, lifting up my sunglasses.
"Hey, the beach is so beautiful today!"
"I don't think I've ever heard of a beach being ugly."
"Very true, it's been so long since I've been at a beach!"
"Bet you it's been longer for me."
"One year."
"Geez, you never went on vacation with your parents or gone with your friends." Oh how little she know.
"I don't exactly have friends, or much of a family anymore." I explained, propping myself up on my elbows.
"That sucks." She said. Steven and Ms. Salaway eventually found there way over to where Lauren was on the sand. I watched Keith surf from a safe distance from any water. A guy was next to him on a surfboard and it looked like it was a challenge of who'd wipe out first. I never really noticed how many tattoos Keith actually had until he was next to a guy with none. Keith won but only by a few seconds.
Keith sat down next to my towel when I noticed something was missing. "Where's your lip piercing?" I asked, cocking my head to the side.
"What? Dammit, must've fallen off in the water." He said, reaching up to where a little stud usually is below his bottom lip.
"Who was the dude you were up against?"
"Some guy who thought he was better than me, you know the average California guy." He said and I laughed lightly.
"Are you wearing any sunscreen?" Keith asked
After five minutes.
"No, why?"
"You're going to match your hair soon, Red."
"Get the bottle from Lauren, please?" I asked, sticking out my bottom lip.
"You mean I have to go near her?"
"Fine." He said, he got up and took it from right next to her, she didn't even notice. He tossed it to me and I put it on my arms, legs, stomach. I couldn't reach my back though. "Can you get my back for me?" I asked.
"Well if I have to." Sarcastic ass.
"Am not." He scoffed, I realized I was thinking out loud again. Now I want to listen to 'Thinking Out Loud' by Ed Sheeran, great. He put some on my back for me and massaged it in. "What the heck are you doing?"
"Drawing a smiley face with sunscreen, duh."
"Because I'm an abnormal, yet incredibly hot, human being."
"Your ego is the size of this beach."
"Thank you very much." He smirked and I rolled my eyes for a bit and woke up for lunch. There was a small place to get food down the beach. I hadn't eaten yet today and I was starving, I guess I can eat a bit since it's a vacation. They didn't have much except sandwiches and burgers so I just ordered a grilled cheese with fries.
I finished eating and we started heading back to our little camp in the sand. "Can you at least put your feet in the water? It's not like it'll kill you."
"Noo." I whined and he started to pull me by the arms towards the water. "C'mon." He groaned as I dug my heels into the ground and shook my head. He dragged me to the water line like I was nothing. "Look, you're touching the water and you haven't died yet."
"I guess you're-" I felt a sharp shove, he pushed me into a wave. When the wave passed, I was left sitting with my legs bent and my arms supporting me from behind so I don't have backwards. I spat out salt water that got in my mouth, "you suck."
"And you blow, let's get back to the blanket." He laughed and helped me up. Keith went to give me a kiss but I turned my head, he caught my ear. "Come on."
"It's what you get for pushing me in the water." I said, putting a hand on my hip.
"But you're cute when your annoyed."
"Flirting won't help your cause."
"Dammit." He said before taking his surfboard and going back to the water. I heard a familiar voice from a ways back, I turned around to see Myron and his family. "Oh no." I mumbled when I turned around I saw Keith wipe out once he turned his head a bit to see Myron. He made his way from the water to our towel. "Keith, you're bleeding." I said, pointing out a gash on his chest.
"Oh." He looked down and brushed it off like it was some sand. I shook my head at him and laughed. "Guess who just got here."
"I know, ands it's taking every bit of strength I have not to fucking kill him."
"Please don't, we're on vacation. It's supposed to be fun."
"Yeah, yeah."
"Please? For me?" I asked, sticking out my bottom lip. He ran a hand through his hair, that I might add is all over the place. "Fine, whatever."
"Thank you." I said giving him a side hug.
"I'm going to need more than a hug." He said and I rolled my eyes, I gave him a quick peck.
"Stingy much?"
"You're impossible."
"Yes I am." He said smugly and pulled me in for a longer kiss. He obviously wanted to take a step further. I separated from the kiss for a breath, "I don't think this is exactly a great place for a full-on make out session."
"Everywhere is the great place for a make out session."
"Like I said before, you are impossible." I laughed and he smirked at me while Myron and his family sat down a few feet behind us. I pretty much ignored him. This was going pretty well until he sat down on the other side of me. "Hey, man." He greeted Keith who had his fists clenched.
"Hey." He responding with a small nod.
"Be right back." I said, feeling awkward with the weird tension.
"Where ya going?" Keith asked.
"Lauren has some water in her bean bag, I'm grabbing a bottle." I told him and got up. I kneeled next to Lauren and grabbed a bottle of water and a book. "Tension in the boy department?" Lauren questioned and I mumbled a yes.
"What happened?" I showed her the top of my arm that was still greenish-grey.
"Which one...?"
"Myron of course."
"I say 5 minutes before Keith rips his throat out."
"He told me he wouldn't." I said and she shrugged. I sat back down between them again when I saw that Keith looked like he wanted to kill Myron. "How we doin?" I said sitting down.
"Think I'm going to catch a wave, you are welcome to watch." Myron said and I wrinkled my nose.
"No thanks I'm fine." I said and he got up and grabbed a board from his blanket.
"Do all of you guys surf."
"No, Hess doesn't. Loser." He said joking and I laughed.
"Hey, Keith. How's a little bet?"
"Don't do it."
"I can beat you at any bet, what is it?"
"Who ever falls off their board first loses."
"What's in it for me if I win."
"Won't tell you until you accept it."
"Don't accept it."
"Let's go."
"He accepted it."
"Wish me luck?" He smirked at me who had my chin in my palm. I gave a small smile, "good luck in whatever stupid thing you're about to do." I rolled my eyes.
He went down the beach where Myron was standing with his board. They seemed to go back and forth for a minute before they finally hit the. "What do you think they bet?"
"Myron gets to drive Keith motorcycle when we get home."
"Like he'd let that happen." I watched the two of them go head with eachother, Keith being a cocky asshole as usual acting like its the easiest thing ever. Myron started to wobble a bit, Keith  "accidentally" bumped him and sent him into the water. I got up and met them where the water meets. I was greeted by a sudden kiss from Keith when he got over to me. "Nice to see you to." I laughed.
"I won."
"I noticed, you cheater."
"He cheated!" Myron accused.
"Uh, uh, uh. You never said I couldn't push you."
"That's the unwritten rule! You can't make someone mess up."
"You're right, you did that all by yourself."
"So what did you guys bet?"
"That isn't important." Keith scratched the back of his head.
"Tell her Keith. You won anyway so it doesn't matter."
"Nah, it doesn't matter."
"What did you bet Keith?"
"You." Myron coughed and I locked my jaw.
"You did what?" I wanted to kill him. I wanted to fucking kill him.
"It wasn't that I bet you, it was-"
"You're dead."
"Later dude." Myron smirked and ran off.
"Asshole. So, how's it going?"
"Great up until the guy I'm dating HAPPENED to make a bet where I'm suddenly a prize to be won."
"Anyone tell you you're hot when you're mad?"
"You're. dead."
"Later, Red." He said before dropping his board and running. I ran after him as fast as I could. He was a dead man.

The Brains and the Bad Boy <Editing>Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat