Anger Issues

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We sat against the wall of the dark cell. How did we end up here? It all started when we went of Splash Mountain...
-1 hours ago-
We got off Slash Mountain, I noticed my
T-shirt became a bit see-through, ok very see-through. "As much as I love the view, Red, yu better change."
"Damn, I wanted to show everyone my bra."
"Not before me..."
"Idiot." I laughed. We found a merch store a few blocks away from the ride and I let Keith get my shirt. Beeping went off and I went inside to find him arguing with a security guy. Keith had to spit in the guy's face. "I'm sure this is just a misunderstanding." I tried to say but then the guy grabbed me by the arm as well as Keith's and we were guided out the back of the store and down in an elevator.
We ended up in a big, colorful hallway were 6 doorways with plastic bars. We were put in one of the rooms. "Two hours, one for shoplifting, another for spitting in my eye. Have a magical freaking day, hooligans." The guard said before walking away.
"Did he call us hooligans?" Keith cringed.
"Pretty sure. Who says that anymore."
"I know... Here's your shirt." Keith tossed me a grey top with a bedazzled Mickey on the front.
"Thanks but there's no bathroom to change in." I pointed out and that brings us to now...
"It's just a shirt, it's not like I'm asking you to strip... Although..." I swatted him in the head.
"Why don't I just cover my eyes." He suggested and I groaned.
"Fine, the shirts sticking to my skin anyway..."
"Atta girl." He smirked and put a hand over his eyes. I turned my back to him and tried to as quickly as possible change out and into my shirt. I could feel a pair of eyes on me as I slipped my shirt over my head. "You said you wouldn't look!" I said, noticing he uncovered his eyes.
"If you think I wouldn't then you aren't as smart as you think."
"Dude!" I gaped and gave him a shove after putting my arm in.
Something nudged my leg as we sat there quiet, it was... A cat. I looked down at it and I swiped at my face. I jumped up and put my feet up on the bench. Keith gave me a confused look and I gestured to the ground where a black cat walked out from under it. "The hell?" He questioned and nudged it away with his foot. The cat hissed and bit his shoe. "Donnie, here cat!" The guard called, noticing Keith trying to pry the rabid thing off his high tops. Keith grabbed the cat by the scruff of the neck and it released. He picked it up and it didn't move, just looked at him. Keith proceeded to shove the thing through the bars that were wide enough to fit it with room to spare.
"You know... There is no one here, and we are stuck for another hour..." Keith suggested.
"You want to make out in a jail cell where a Mickey shrine is watching us?" I asked him, he couldn't be serious.
"Do you really think I care?"
"I'm calling Myron."
"Call Lauren, she's more tolerable than that fucktard."
"Because I don't have Lauren's number for god knows why." I called and put it on speaker.
"Tired of Keith, sweetheart?" Was what I heard after a ring.
"You're on speaker, Myron." I said sweetly when I noticed Keith lock his jaw, trying not to explode.
"Yeah. Can you help us out? We have an issue."
"What's the problem?"
"We kind of got put in Disney Prison..."
"You're kidding, right? Only you two could manage that."
"I expect payment, but sure." He said and I sighed but not of relief.
"There is a store by Spash, ask the guy at the counter to spring us asswipe." Keith told him.
"On it, douche canoe."
"That's a new one." I acknowledged and we hung up. It was a little bit of comfortable silence. "A peck?" Keith pressed on from our previous issue. I rolled my eyes, "fine, your neediness." I leaned over to give him a quick one and when I did I was pressed forward and held there. Sneaky bastard. I was lifted onto his lap and I let my hands start to fiddle with his hair. "Came all the way here for this?" We heard and I slipped off his lap.
"How'd ya like the show, Myron?" Keith smirked. The guard let us out, made Keith pay for the shirt and we left. "So, payment." Myron stopped in front of us.
"What do you want?" I rolled my eyes.
"Trade roommates?" He asked Keith.
"You can take Keith." I smiled.
"Not what I meant."
"Maybe you should be more specific but now take it or leave it." I crossed my arms.
"Change it. You get Sadie, I get this one." He grabbed my wrist and I snatched it back.
"What's the rule, incase you forgot?"
"No stealing of a girlfriend. If only she was your girlfriend." He smirked and pulled me towards him by the upper arm. I hissed. This escalated really quickly. "Hey, would you look at that, she's my girlfriend now." Keith pulled me back and pushed me lightly behind him.
"That isn't exactly how it works, bro." Myron took a step closer.
"I'd like to see where it says it doesn't." Keith did the same and I didn't know what to do if anything at all. My anxiety was building up slowly and I saw Sadie wandering over. I walked over to her quickly, "Hey Sadie, I think the boys are going to have a bit of a problem soon so why don't you wait over here and I'll take you on any ride you want in a few minutes?"
"Deal. What are they fightin' about this time?"
"It's a long story that would take up half a chapter of a book."
"Oh. Ok. I'm going to get some ice cream." She told me and went to a nearby stand. Keith looked like he wanted to punch Myron in the face, a look I've learned to distinguish by now. "This is a children's park, we got put in a holding cell just for you taking a shirt. I don't want to go back in there for another few hours." I said, crossing my arms.
"When you get home- I mean if you get home, you'll be a dead man." Keith threatened. Myron turned and left as Sadie grabbed me wanting to go on a ride. "I'll be back in a few." I said softly and gave him a hurried kiss before we went on the nearest ride.

It was a few hours before we went back to the hotel, though it was pretty quiet. We hung out by the pool until late that day. The most I would do is stand in the shallow end with Dara. She went to SeaWorld today and wouldn't stop talking about it. "No way, a dolphin?" I questioned faking excitement for the little thing.
"Yeah! I got the play with it! It was so much fun!" She bounced around making ripples in the water.
"How we doin' over here?" Keith came over by us and leaned against the side.
"Good, this little one just won't stop talking about SeaWorld." I felt bad for not being excited for the girl but I was exhausted. Keith let out a silent laugh and lifted Dara out of the pool. "Go find Dad, it's getting late." He told her and she rushed off.
Everyone went to their rooms to sleep except Steven and Ms. Salaway. It was their three year anniversary so Steven was taking her to dinner. Keith was pretty annoyed. "What do you wanna do?" I asked crashing onto the bed.
"I don't know and don't care." He answered and I sighed.
I noticed some curtains by the TV and went to see what it was. "Did you know we have a balcony?" I questioned.
"No. Why, we do?"
"Yeah. I'm going to check it out!" I said and stepped out onto it. It was a gorgeous view, Keith came out and sat by me a little bit later. We didn't do much except talk and laugh. "This is your first vacation? Ever?" He questioned and I nodded.
"Looks like I've been first to do a lot of things with you." He smirked and I gave him a small shove.
"Stop!" I whined and he pulled me over to him.
"Like I was the first to do this..." He connected his lips with mine setting off the typical butterflies and tingles. God, I loved this boy even if I won't say it out loud. Suddenly he stopped and I was a bit confused, he was staring at the beach. "What is- oh gosh." I said, turning around to see two people on the beach. We were low enough to the ground to see it was Ms. Salaway and Steven by their clothes and hair. It is pretty hard to miss that Salaway shade of blonde. Steven was on one knee, holding something and we knew what it was by Ms. Salaway's reaction.
I felt the warmth from Keith body in front of mine leave and I heard the slam of the glass door. There was now a hairline crack in the glass that would need to be fixed. There was another smash and I went inside to see a very angry Keith. "Keith stop it!" I shouted over his little rampage.
"The cleaning lady is going to be so pissed at us..." I said to myself, I know 'Keith is smashing shit and you're worried about the cleaning lady?!' Yes, that's how my mind works. I grabbed his wrist before he punched the wall. "Keith, stop it. Please." I begged a bit calmer now. I've never seen him this angry first hand. He looked me straight in the eyes and it felt like it lasted a life time. He shook my hand off of his arm. "Are you done?" I questioned, our eye contact still not breaking.
"Yeah..." Was all he said.
"Please don't do that again, it scared the crap out of me."
"I'm sorry." He apologized and brushed a lock of my hair behind my ear.
"You really need to control yourself a lot better. You fucked up our whole room!" I said looking around. That when I noticed his hand was bleeding.
I was now trying to fix the open wound on his knuckles in the bathroom. I dabbed peroxide on it, "Sss, could've told me it'd sting like hell."
"Sorry." I apologized as I wrapped an ace bandage around his knuckles and pinned it there.
"Well. That takes care of that. What about all the glass on the ground."
"Put on a pair of shoes and we'll call the room service tomorrow to clean it." Keith dismissed the issue pretty quickly. I felt his hand on the small of my back and our positions were switched abruptly. I was sitting on the counter with Keith standing between my legs, I was taken by surprise. "What are you-" but I was shut up by lips locking with mine and muffling the last bit of my questions.
He lifted me up and I put my legs around his torso while he had his hands pretty much on my ass. I felt my back and head hit the wall that was right by the door. There was a knock at the door but we didn't answer it. A click of the lock and the door opened, it was fucking Myron. "Damn, I have to see this twice in one day. Nasty." He cringed and Keith put me down.
"What the fuck, Myron?!" Keith and I both yelled.
"It's your fault, should've locked the door."
"We. Did." I said slowly and he shrugged.
"Anyway, hear your ma is engaged do the stepfuck?" Myron asked Keith who locked his jaw.
"If you would kindly look to your left..." I gestured to all the trashed side of the room. Myron hissed inwardly, "yikes. Someone wasn't happy. The cleaning lady is going to be pissed." Myron said.
"Huh, who else said that?" I looked to Keith.
"You shut up, you get out." He shoved Myron out and locked the door again.
"Now, where were we?" He smirked and I was backed against the wall.
"I think about here." He put his hands on the back of my thighs and my feet left the ground, I wrapped my legs around him again and his lips reconnected with his.
Not much sleep was to be had that night.

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