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I woke up forgetting that I cut my foot open until I stood up. I hopped on one foot to my bag and got dressed in my favorite hoodie and a new pair of leggings that still have tags on them. I packed away anything I had out and carried them downstairs on one leg. "Why are you hopping like a bunny, Alice?" Dara asked me as I set my bags down. I laughed and told her that I stubbed my toe, yes it was a lie but how could I tell her that her brother smashed a bunch of glass while fighting with her dad? Keith came downstairs, half-dressed as expected. "Shirtless again? Hope you realize that you have to wear clothes at the airport." I told him and he groaned at me.
"Airport?" Dara questioned, confused.
"We are going home today. But don't worry, Keith's going to visit you again."
"Can I take the kid and leave the rest of them?" Keith mumbled and I elbowed him as he stood next to me.
"But-but I want you to stay!" Dara whined.
"They have school tomorrow, and Alice has to go back to her family." Paula said and I winced looking at Keith who stopped drinking his juice to almost laugh. "Fine." Dara pouted.
"Turn the frown upside down, kid. It's not that bad, maybe I can fit you in my luggage." Keith joked.
"I'm kidding, maybe you can come to Cali to visit at some point." It was adorable watching them, it was almost funny too. Here we have Mr. Badboy with two sleeves of tattoos and plethora of piercings with a grey beanie and all black clothes to complete the look getting along with Ms. Butterflies and Unicorns who is almost finished with kindergarten.
"Shi-shoot, our flight leaves in two hours. The airport is an hour away." I said putting my breakfast plate in the sink and rushing around, making sure everything is good to go. Everything looked great until I saw Keith's room. It was completely unpacked with stuff thrown everywhere. "Keith!" I shouted.
"What?" He shouted up annoyed.
"You aren't even packed."
"We have to leave like now."
"Do I have to pack?"
"Yes, unless you want me going through your stuff and packing it."
"Be there in a minute!"
"Thought so!" I smiled in victory and went to the bathroom to do my hair and brush my teeth. When I couldn't find a flat iron I just grabbed Paula's curling iron. My hair was in big bouncy curls and I no longer looked like I just rolled out of bed. I put on my glasses and looked in the mirror one last time, disappointed like usual. I heard a car horn and ran outside with my stuff. "Ow. Ow. Ow." I said with each step until I got to the car. "Ready, Red?"
"Yep, let's go." I sighed and leaned my head back. The car ride was quiet except for the radio playing. We unloaded an hour later at the airport, they all walked us to our terminal. "Flight 750 is boarding now." A voice said over the loud speaker. Dara was clinging to Keith's leg. "Stay."
"We can't."
"Let go, Dar." Keith finally said, successfully pulling her arms off of him. I smiled and picked up my carry on. "We gotta go." I said and started back stepping towards the plane entrance. Keith followed soon after and we boarded the plane. "Can you believe we've only known each other a month?" I realized.
"Feels like eternity..."
"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked with a pointed look.
"Nothing, nothing at all."
"Jerk." I said, crossing my arms. The plane took off and I relaxed into my seat. I ended up not being able to sleep so I went on my phone. I connected to the plane wifi and a bunch of texts flooded my phone. I couldn't recognize the number but the '-L' at the end told me it was Lindsey and her little entourage. "Great they have my number now." I said tossing my phone onto the food tray in front of me.
"Take a wild guess."
"Anna Kendrick?"
"You're an idiot," I laughed, "it's Lindsey." Keith picked up my phone and typed something.
"What the hell are you doing?!" I asked, reaching for my phone.
"Your welcome." He smirked handing me back my phone. I looked at my phone and my eyes widened, I put my phone down a second later. "Your going to get me killed before I'm even 18!" I and he rolled his eyes.
"With me around?" He questioned with a grin,
"Please. They're nothing." He wrapped an arm around my shoulder. I smiled and closed my eyes, finally falling asleep for the last hour of our flight.
I got woken up by a flight attendant. I was leaning on Keith again. I rubbed my eyes and sat up, I woke Keith up and we left the plane. We found Steven's car pulling up. "Get in, you two."
"Oh how I missed you, California weather!" I said in contentment as I stepped into sunlight. Keith laughed and we got in. The car ride was pretty quiet as expected, Salaway's and Kelly's weren't much of talkers when driving. "So, anyone need a hospital trip or a jail break with you around." Steven asked finally.
"Pfft, no." He scoffed and I raised an eyebrow at him.
"Alice stepped on glass that I might've broke."
"Good job, really, way to go." Steven fake praised him. We pulled up to the apartment complex and got out, I landed on my foot wrong and fell onto my knee. "I gotcha." Keith said and I sat back down on the seat.
"What happened?" Steven asked from the trunk.
"Nothing," Keith shouted to him.
"Need a lift?" He asked and I sighed but nodded.

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