Culinary Disaster

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Keith was pretty unhappy about the whole "I'm going to leave for the whole summer and you apparently can't go" thing. We tried not to talk about it, he said he'd just visit any time he could. Aunt Diane decided that she would stay the last week of school so that she could go on the plane with me. This meant that Alex and Riley were also staying because Alex was on summer break from college and Riley's high school lets out mid-May. This sucks for me because I have to drop by my Dad's house and pretend like I live at home for half an hour after school.
    Soon enough I won't have to tell this lie, maybe get him in jail where he belongs and then I won't be put in foster care because I'm under 18. A few more weeks, I can do this.
    It was around 6am, I couldn't sleep because of a storm so I was tracing Keith's tattoos. I like to do that when I'm bored or anxious while trying to go to sleep. My alarm went off and I got ready for class. "It's the last week of school, turn off the fucking alarms." Keith complained as I picked out my clothes quickly and went to do my hair. "Hush up and get ready."
"I lack the motivation to want to." He said and I laughed. I bent down and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "I'll need more than that." He scoffed.
"There's your motivation then." I smiled cheekily and tied my hair up in a ponytail. I wrapped the hair tie around it and tightened it. I saw Keith behind me and felt his arm around my waist and his hands on my stomach. He nuzzled into the crook of my neck and left light kisses all the way up to my jaw and my ear. I let out a content sigh. "I'm going to miss this." He whispered almost incoherently.
"I know, me too." I said with a sad smile. Why did I say I'd go? How stupid was that? "I have to get dressed. You mind?" I asked, glancing to the door. Keith smirked and being his perverted self said he doesn't mind and I quote "at all." I was able to kick him out after a kiss that put me behind schedule. I put on my new Green Day shirt and a pair of leggings. I matched it all with a pair of red converse.
Ms. Salaway didn't have time to make us breakfast. She told us that she just got a promotion at the business she works at and needs to be at a meeting. Everyone had to settle for toast with Nutella. We were going to be late if we didn't hurry. As we rushed down the stairs, leave it to no one but my godmother to call. "Hello?" I greeted.
"Hi sweetie. I thought I'd come pick you up for school but you're not home... Where at you?" She asked in a sweet voice that was kind of creepy.
"Keith has it covered. I'm going to be late, I'll call you later today."
"Ok but sweetie-"
"Bye! Love you." I told her hurriedly before hanging up. I got on Keith's bike right behind him and we left. We parked and Keith walked to class with me since he has gotten two notices that he can't miss anymore days without getting left back. I sat down and Mr. Silicone told us we could go on our phones. "Don't talk, you give me migraines." He complained as the volume grew in the room. It fell silent until we heard the door open and shut. Sabrina came in and sat down beside me like she was requested. She had a scab by her eye that sparked my curiosity but I decided to leave it be.
Classes rolled by slowly, too slowly for my taste. I had my books hit out of hands on my way to 4th period and was hit with a locker on my way to Culinary class. Saying today wasn't my day was the understatement of all understatements. It made all the other understatements cry it was so much of one. "Your homework for tonight as a final project with your partner is to bake me a cake. A small one but it has to be creative. Maybe it could be in decorations or cake flavor, I don't know. Be original though. The theme of your cake is summer." She told us and I looked to my new partners, Sabrina and Lindsey, who were not paying the slightest attention.
I left class and spent half of lunch getting "Aztec" blue food coloring off my hands. Sabrina was doing the same. "So, what happened to your eye?" I asked her and she didn't respond.
"Who told?" She asked me and I cocked my head to the side, confused.
"Who told about what?"
"Who told Ty about Brooks? Someone did, I want to know who." She pretty much demanded and I didn't shrink back for once.
"How should I know, I was going to the movies with Selina when Keith came home all pissy over what you did." I explained with an annoyed edge to my voice. She said that she thought it was either Hess or Erik since Dean is so preoccupied with Chloe. No one has actually seen much of him in two weeks. "Ty didn't do... That, did he?" I asked with a wince at the decent sized scab that she failed to cover completely. "He did, was drunk when he found out and he hit me. I haven't seen him in two weeks and I'm trying to keep that streak."
"Yikes." Was all I really knew how to respond. Can't say I don't know how that feels... I thought to myself and we left the bathroom. I sat alone temporarily until Selina sat down, followed by Keith and the other boys who had gone out to get lunch from the McDonalds down the street.

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