Chapter Fourteen: Blood & Beating Hearts

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  "You're either on my side, by my side, or in my fucking way...choose wisely." - Anonymous

Chapter Fourteen

Draven's POV

Ethel dropped and my stomach went along with her. I couldn't stop the fall and her mouth gaped open, dark lips spilling even darker blood. Her eyes rolled back and I watched her shirt soak up rich, heady blood.

I bolted over to the man in the white cloak, diving to the left when bullets echoed off the high walls of the bordello. All my actions were thoughtless, pure instinct driving me.

My only thought was to kill.

Kill the man in the cloak.

Kill everything.

I ripped the Barrett away from him. My hand encircled his cloth covered throat and snatched him from the ground, driving him up against the wall. I didn't make it though, my arm snapped and my body hit the ground. He struggled. The small man shoved his small hands at me and tried to push away the monster. The monster he tried to kill.

This monster didn't play with anything other than his toy.

One of my hands held him down as I hacked into his stomach, piercing claws ripping into the soft flesh of his belly. He screamed, loud pitiful sounds that only urged the monster on. Pushed the monster to dig deeper and deeper until I saw the white of bone and his entrails were in my hands. And even then, I didn't stop.

I didn't have to hold him down anymore and the monster was angry. This small man— this weak human—thought to take away its toy, take away its empire, when he couldn't even play. The sweet acidic smell of blood filled my nose and I shook. I could feel my body freeze as I shifted.

Soon a snout was shoving into the mans open belly, nosing through the entrails and digging for the heart. It strove to find what kept this man—this small man—alive. The monster tore through the fat and blood until the pumping heart was in my hand. Until I yanked the heart away from its warm, fleshy home.

The heart settled into the monsters mouth and I was happy, the monster was happy. We were eating which sought to kill our things, taking away the very thing that made him thing instead of corpse. It broke like a wet tongue under our teeth, his copper life-force sliding down our throat.

The blood was sweet and shown victory. We won against weak prey, we always win against pathetic prey as him. We ate our prey, showed our prey we owned them. We did not stop at prey's heart, we tore through his flesh. The monster would only be pleased when prey was in our stomach, when prey had been chewed and swallowed.

The flesh was fatty and we did not like it but we still ate it. We pushed away bone and chewed through the odd stuffing in prey's stomach, snapped through tendons. When all was said and eaten we made our way to prey's head, we cracked prey's skull like nut. We watched prey's final memory spill out of his shell and we ate that too. We ate that and took his knowledge.

When prey was nothing but blood and bone, we took bone and snapped it. We cracked away all that was man until just milky dust lay on the floor, and even then we did not want to stop.

Then we saw little toy. She was on the floor and her life force was leaking from her. We bent down and sniffed her, pressing our hand to her little belly. She wasn't breathing and this made us very, very angry. I had consumed the little man and he might take away what was ours, our little toy.

No, we wouldn't let this happen.

We pushed her long, soft hair away from her throat. It was so soft and we wanted to rub it across our cheek and lay in it. Her skin was so dark and like the softest silk. We couldn't let ours, our little elf, run away into death. No, she would stay with us. She would stay and let us rub her hair and smell her scent.

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