Chapter Fifty-Four: The Reckoning

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"I sit around and wonder about the fire in your eyes, the movement of your fingers, the way you slowly complicate my life." 

Chapter Fifty-Four: 

Draven's POV

"Your question before--he makes me happy."

My heart stopped, tightened. Something rushed through me, joining the stress and transforming into something dark, angry, protective. The worry that had been a tight ball in my chest unfurled, and my instinct rushed at me.

Go to her. Go to her. Go to her.

I clenched my teeth, flicking that little voice in my mind away.

The door to the interrogation room swung open, revealing Xian with a wild look in her eye. On the surface, she was cool and collected. Under her skin, her wolf paced and whined. It barked at me, looking to its alpha for command. To run. To fight. A command I would not give. A command that would never be given in the middle of Citadel PD. What in the fuck had happened in there?

I glared my eyes in her direction, reminding her where the fuck she was. Get it together. We both needed too.

She blinked, forcing the wolf to recede. It whined before stalking away, hiding back in the depths of her soul. In seconds, that tension shrunk and hid itself, until Xian would undoubtedly release it later. I had a feeling I already knew where it was coming from.

She came in after Xian, flustered and fiery. Always fiery. My little hellion.

I didn't make my presence known near the back of the room, but Ethel still noticed immediately. The wildness in her eyes met mine, matching that spark. Her face held that flame, igniting the pack instincts. She was causing this. Jesus.

I didn't think she was this deeply ingrained yet into the pack. We shouldn't have been feeling this. This was the feeling of a young alpha in distress. She was emanating her feelings, they flowed off her in thick waves, almost physical. Her stress leaked out, filling me with anxiousness. Now I knew what it was doing to Xian, especially in such close proximity. Ethel was a fire, swallowing up any sense in the pack. The wolf kicked in, wanting to do anything to help its alpha.

She needed to knock this off now.

I narrowed my eyes. The fire flickered. I raised an eyebrow. It extinguished.

Good girl.

Xian nodded and blew past me, already on her way out. Apparently her work was done here. She was probably on her way to the nearest thatch of woods to shift. The door clicked shut behind her. Tamal would grab her on the way out.

Ethel walked up to me and said nothing. Tension sat between us like a steel wall. We both knew there was nothing to say right now. We would talk later in the private of the castle, where no one would be there to watch the eruption. I could feel it brewing under the surface, simmering, waiting to be unleashed.

Detective Dickhead busted through, his expression sour. "Your connections are truly something, Cain."


Nicklaus scoffed, looking every bit like the woman beside me under the lights. They had nothing in common physically, but definitely mentally. The attitude was inherent in them. "Cap said you're all good to go. Enjoy this while it lasts, because it won't forever. You and your pack of idiots are going to meet someone bigger than you one day."

My lip curled, enticed by the threat. "Send 'em my way. I'd love to welcome 'em to Citadel."

The next foe would be very big, and very strong. Too many enemies have been dropping lately. This was perfect territory for someone to swoop in. Someone with big ambitions and little sense.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2020 ⏰

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