Chapter Twenty-Eight: The King of Beasts

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"Also, serial killers, child killers, they're hot, they're the new cool kids, the new vampires, the new zombies, everybody's favorite spook monster." - Rafael Yglesias, The Wisdom of Perversity

Chapter Twenty-Eight

Ethel's POV

  "Where the hell did you go?" Tamal snarled as I stepped into the apartment, arms resting dangerously against the back of Ticke's chair.

I closed Ticke's door, walking over and sitting on the bed casually. "I found Draven. What did you do?" I responded smugly.

Ticke's fingers froze over the keyboard and he spun around in his chair, throwing Tamal off. His look was harried and strands of messy hair fell into his eyes. "Where?"

"Are there any rivers around here? Check your computer," I commanded, reclining back on my palms.

Ticke's bushy eyebrows furrowed and then he was doing his thing, computer monitors switching. "Uh, yeah. I mean I could've told you this, but the Hudson, East, Bella Rouse, Dele—"

My mind hummed. "Bella Rouse. Now look for any ruins along there."

"What kind? How old?" he inquired, rolling his shoulders.

I blew out a breath. "Sort of like a temple, stairs directly up it. The stone was weathered, grey, and could've been a few centuries or a millennia old. I just didn't see enough of it."

Tamal leaned against a window ledge, bigs arms crossed over his chest. "How did you find this out?"

Tamal's tone was oddly jealous. Awh, someone isn't teacher's pet anymore.

I tapped my index finger against my head. "In this baby. It's been there all along. I just had to...dig it up."

Puffy lips pursed. "Yeah. And how'd you do that?"

I imitated him, crossing my arms and scowling. "If I didn't know any better, I'd think you sounded jealous. I don't know why though, since we're on the same team and all."

He snorted. "Are we?"

I heard Ticke's breath catch and I shot to my feet as my temper boiled. "Where the hell is this distrust coming from Tamal? What could I have possibly done to get this from you. Last time I checked, I had dinner with your mom, at her house. Now, instead of being a passive aggressive little bitch, why don't you tell me what the problem is?"

Tamal stood up and crossed the room. For a second I thought he was heading towards me he was about to deck me across the face. But then he just left, slamming the door behind him. I clenched my jaw, an ache forming from where I had worried my gums earlier. I felt like hitting something, or someone. Tamal's anger was like a cold blow to the chest. I didn't know what I did, I didn't know how to fix it.

"What did I do?" I asked Ticke lousily.

He coughed weakly. "Maybe the after effects of the charm?"

"I wish. Anything on what I gave you?" I sat back down and rubbed my temples.

He mussed up his hair, feet tapping nervously on the floor. "Yeah. I found the place. The ruins were protected by the city, until Citadel wasn't producing enough income for the upkeep it needed. So now anyone can go down there and bomb it for all they care."

"How old are the ruins?"

"I've narrowed the date between early 1600's to late 1800's. There isn't really anything on it, but I looked at one of the few pictures listed and identified the stone. Apparently it was brought over from Peru. Not sure how, but one day it just showed up and no one knows why. Finally classed the place up so Citadel didn't mind it."

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