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Hello everyone! Hope you all are having a great day! And since I didn't get the chance to say it, hope all my fellow 'Mericans had a good treason day(fourth of july).

Normally, a new chapter would be out today or tomorrow, but I've been busy. I would like you all the meet the reason I've been busy: Rollo.

Some of you know I've been looking for a dog lately and we found him by a stroke of luck

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Some of you know I've been looking for a dog lately and we found him by a stroke of luck. He's a two-year-old male Doberman Pinscher we brought home the day before yesterday. He follows me like a shadow and he's the absolute sweetest baby in the world now that he's warmed up to me. I've been spamming pictures of him everywhere, so I thought I'd let you guys know too! His name is Rollo after the Viking turned first king of Normandy. (He's elegant and can get scary af too) He enjoys scrambled eggs, his extra-large crate, and snuggling with me. (if you guys want more pictures of him lemme know bc i'd be happy to share them. in fact, i probably will regardless bc i'm that crazy girl who'll shove pictures of her animals in your face uninvited)

I ENTERED THE WATTYS! *terrified scream* So, I'll be polishing up BOC, specifically the beginning chapters because I was but a mere baby when I started BOC. And now I actually understand the difference between ending dialogue with a comma or a period. lmao.

Finally, you all are the best fans ever! The response last chapter was SO amazing and I really needed that. Each comment really helped and I love hearing about what you guys like in the story and your theories about the coming chapters. I'm normally not so insecure about my writing but since last chapter was fluffy instead of gory I was nervous to post.


Here's a snippet, too! (Unedited, and yes, there will be smut and fluff)

"Why is the snowman alive though?" Ornias asked for the seventh time. The young werewolf had an incredibly hard time watching Frosty the Snowman. Every few minutes he asked another question, followed up by another question, until Hope screeched in fury and threw a pillow at him. He'd remained in stunned silence until then.

Hell, we all did. The little blonde girl's face burned red, mouth scrunched and eyes enraged as she grasped her cat, squeezing his stained fur. I'd never known a child could feel so much rage, but Hope directed a look to Ornias full of dark undulated rage. After that, Rheema grabbed her pale little hands and left the library.

"I just don't get it." Ornias ran his hand through his hair, squinting at the flatscreen in disbelief.

"It's a fictional cartoon, the rules of reality don't apply," I muttered, leaning back into the buttersoft leather sofa and drawing the covers tighter around me.

Blair sat on the other couch beside Ornias, and gave him a sympathetic pat. Her usually wild curls were tamed back into a sleek ponytail and she was ready for an early bedtime in her nightshirt. "His hat gives him the power to be alive. Just watch, you'll see."

Ornias didn't look like he believed her for a second, but he settled back into the sofa with a huff.

I imagine he would have a hard time grasping cartoons, even movies. In the Alliance's care, television was straightly forbidden. Most books, too. Our only entertainment was the bible, except most verses were twisted so much that it sickened me to even look at it now. And watching cartoons and coming from the forcibly bland cult, it was incredibly strange for me too.

Even when I was in my mom's care, we still never had enough for a TV. Some of the hotel rooms had television, sure, but it was mostly raunchy ads and overdramatic soap operas. The first time Blue's Clue's popped up I damn near had a heart attack.

"Do you like regular TV?" I asked, looking to Ornias.

He met my stare with pursed lips and a head shake. "Not really. I don't like to sit for long periods."

"Long as you don't break anything, I'm sure you can look around the library," I offered.

Ornias hesitated, throwing a suspicious stare around the room with dark eyes. "Would alpha mind?"

"Again, just don't break anything. And be careful around the older books. If any of them rips it won't just be Draven you'll be worrying about." Ornias took my threat very seriously, solemnly nodding.

"Wanna come?" he said to Blair. She debated, going back and forth from the TV to the room. Finally, she got up and skittered away with him.

I flicked the channel once they left, settling on Criminal Minds. I didn't much care for cartoons either.

It's always a feeling I get first when Draven is near me, a sort of slow stroke along my senses. Before I found it annoying, a constant shock to my system, but now it was familiar, comfortable.

Draven entered the room, silent as ever. The slight groan of sinking cushions and he took the spot at the far end of my couch, sliding my feet over his lap. The denim of his pants rubbed against my toes.



-Kirstin & Rollo

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