Chapter Fifteen: The Demon of Aquarius

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"As bad as you may think I am, as far as you think I am willing to go to protect that which I hold most dear, you can't possibly fathom how deep that well of mine truly goes." - Raymond "Red" Reddington. 

Chapter Fifteen

Draven's POV

The car skidded to a stop but the man still hit the Suburban with a satisfying thump. I could see the other manholes drop in sync. I jumped out of the car like a concerned citizen and crouched down next to the clothed Alliance member. It was a woman, that much I could tell by the thin cloth over her face.

When I was in range, she lashed out. I let the knife dig lightly into my throat and widened my eyes. I put my hands in the air, side by side, and watched her. The woman was up in an instant.

"You rich idiot. You have no idea what you just got yourself into," she looked over the street then yelled, "C'mon out guys, we got ourselves a fish."

This loudmouth has no idea what she just got herself into. Still, I waited for the rest of the members to come out. She did too. I was honestly surprised she didn't know me at face value, my reputation must precede me.

Nothing. Not a movement on the street, the pots didn't open and we remained in silence as she began to sweat.

"Guys!" she yelled. She was a little girl on the big kids playground.

When nothing happened I figured her friends in white weren't going to bite. It was now or never. I kicked out a foot to the back of her unprotected knee. I didn't push hard, I didn't want to break the bone and have to carry her down there. She still crumbled to the ground with a cry.

Her knife dropped and I snatched it from the air, switching our positions so the knife was at the her jugular. I ripped a large hole in the hood over her face so it fell across her shoulders in tatters. One of the worst things you could do to a female Alliance member was to cut her hood off.

Curly brown hair was piled in a tight bun at the back of her head. The damp skin at the curve of her neck held a long, hand-shaped bruise that had darkened to a purple. Uplifted green eyes darted to mine in anger. I could still see clear tears pool in her eyes. One dropped and slid down her cheek, over a wad of burned scar tissue.

"You have dishonored me!" she screamed, trying to move back from the hold on her neck. I pushed her to the ground and held the knife teasingly deep into her neck.

"You dishonored yourself. Now, you're going to take me down there or I'm gonna slit your pretty throat." I took time saying each word so it would penetrate her tiny, fanatic brain.

"You will do so anyway." The muscles in her arm tensed as she restrained the urge to move.

"Yeah, but I thought I'd let you live a bit longer. Say your goodbyes and all that shit. Fine though." I straddled her waist, dropping my weight on her until her chest could barely lift.


"Too late." I brought the blade across her neck. Warm blood spattered across my face, chest, and arms. I quickly wiped it from my eyes and flung as much as I could away.

The woman now lay dead in the street, bleeding from the incision on her throat. Her eyelids didn't close and you could still the righteous anger and pain in them. Maybe now she'd finally see that joining a cult isn't good for little girls from nice families. I could still smell the jasmine of her perfume under the cloak of tangy blood.

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