Chapter Thirty-Seven: Ecstasy

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*this is prob my favorite chapter. yes, these chapters are reposted and some of you guys have seen them. also, back by popular demand is the Draven cover.*

"Sex is an emotion in motion." - Mae West

Chapter Thirty-Seven

Ethel's POV

"It's your fault for not inviting me! That's rude, you know. Talking about something fun and saying how cool it's going to be then not asking me to come after you've just shoved it in my face," I raged, throwing open the front door. Ripping off my boots and coat, I stormed up the stairs.

Draven trailed behind me like one huge shadow, silent as ever.

"The stupid human can't come to your stupid hunt with your stupid pack!" I busted into the bathroom, stripping down. My shirt came off first and I whirled around in a bra and jeans, anger riding me.

"I understand, I'm not a wolf. I don't need to tag along with you for everything. I'm not clingy like that!" I wiggled out of my jeans next. Draven closed the bathroom door, leaning against it and crossing his booted feet. He had this patient look on his face, a look that only forced another scream from my throat. "But then to find out this hunt is a group thing, and you all strip naked and everything's just so great as females rub all up against you! Love me, alpha. Pick me, alpha. Mate with me, alpha!"

I flung my bra and underwear off, turning the showers handle and stepping in before it warmed up. Cold water drenched me, freezing my bones. I pushed the hair out of my face, rubbing my hands together to get off the dried blood from earlier.

"And then one of those adoring females even has the audacity to challenge me, me! While I come in hobbling on a cane and saved her," I snarled. The bathroom was quiet for the sounds of pelting water. And he wasn't even responding! "You know, her leg could've been fucked up for a long time if I hadn't helped her!" Probably not with her werewolf healing, but still. I basically saved her life!

I heard footsteps as Draven neared the closed shower, his body a vague shadow through the grainy glass. "What exactly did Tamal say to you?"

I blinked, body deflating as I rested my forehead against the cool shower wall. The water gradually warmed. "He just talked about how you guys strip before the hunt and how all the females are waiting for you to pick them, since wolves wait a while to mate. How everyone's dying to be the alpha's girl."

Saying it out loud made me feel stupid, jealous, insecure. I rubbed my eyes. God, my hormones were still crazy since my period. Why did I do that? Running into a hunt while it was nearing the full moon, all because I was jealous. I could've been killed! I was turning into my own worst nightmare.

"You believe that?" he asked through the glass.

"You're the alpha. You hold a position of power and people are attracted to power. If you can look past your mind-blowing arrogance, you're actually a halfway decent person. And even though you're a tease, your hugs aren't terrible. You also make really good food. Oh, and your beds probably the best thing ever. Of course, I believe it!"

The shower door opened as Draven pulled his shirt over his head. "Females don't like me."

I narrowed my eyes through a sheen of water. "What are you talking about?"

"If you paid attention, notice they don't like me," Draven growled, unbuttoning his jeans. His chest had a thin layer of dry blood crusted to the surface of lean muscle. "Scared of me. Think I'll snap one day and kill 'em. Don't trust me after I was captured."

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