Chapter Twenty: Bedding the Devil

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"I'm not a psychopath, I'm a high-functioning sociopath." - Sherlock

Chapter Twenty

Ethel's POV

The command was yelled by the bouncer who first brought us to Macon. He pointed his gun directly at my head. I noticed a silencer on it and tried to steady myself.

"Put your guns down now. I will not be asking again," he said.

Draven still had his hands around Macon's neck and Tamal's gun was still trained on him so I didn't move. I barely flinched when the bouncer gave a warning shot, firing at the wall.

"I'll do it. Try me!" The bouncer yelled this time and I now understood why he was so scared. Macon wasn't just his boss, he was his alpha. Macon dies and the pack crumbles.

"F-Fine. Let's t-talk!" Macon wheezed.

"'ave your men leave," Draven said lowly.

Macon's eyes widened at Draven. Draven's hand tightened. "Okay. Okay! Demitri go. We'll sort this out ourselves."

The bouncer looked at Macon like he was out of his goddamned mind. "Sir, I don't think that would be wise!"

"I didn't ask," Macon snarled.

The bouncer gave us all a venomous look before ushering his men out of the room. When the door closed Draven released his hand and stepped back. Macon fell against his bookcase, gasping and mumbling.

When he finally was able to talk he said the dumbest thing possible to say when a homicidal werewolf with sharp claws and connections to every drug cartel in the nation just chokes you. "You sure put the C in crazy."

I rolled my eyes with a smile, lowering my gun. Macon ran his hands down his plaid shirt, cleaning away any wrinkles and took a seat at his desk. Tamal put his gun back in the holster on his hip but left the button that closes it open. Draven reclaimed his seat with a bored look on his face.

"The dog," he said quietly.

Macon covered a smile with a quick rub on the mouth and nodded. "Yes, the dog. I have the dog. I'll even give you the dog as a show of good faith, but be warned if you ever come in my office and touch me again I'll ally my self with every alpha in a thousand mile radius and run you into the fucking ground. You have a good thing going with your drugs, I like them. They keep humans dumb and obedient. See, I like them that way. Easier to take their money. Now, I'd like to speak with you more later regarding funding for a new business venture I'm taking."

Draven arched his bisected eyebrow and leaned forward mockingly. "That so?"

Oh lord, don't push the psycho, Draven.

"Yes. You'll be interested. You've cleaned out territories. Viciously, might I add. Some people are getting afraid of you, afraid of how quick you're taking them out of power. They don't want their empires stolen and that's what you're doing, stealing empires. You're becoming a serious force to be reckoned with. You have a finger in lots of pies and you know how to handle people. Once they gather their furry balls they'll sharpen their claws and come for you. You'd be wise to hop in bed with me as soon they'll be turning on you." Macon said this quickly, professionally.

He obviously knew exactly what he was talking about. He was new money and new money always made sure they kept their money. I'm sure he met with everyone in the area before talking with Draven. Macon was also bold and undoubtedly unafraid to get his slimy hands dirty. He was a bigger threat. Draven showed physical dominance but Macon is smarter than Musa, he knows Draven has the advantage in brute force. No, Macon is a talker and sometimes they were more dangerous than any army Draven could conjure up.

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