Chapter Nineteen: Draven's Lovely Drug Dealer

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"Nothing personal, it's just business." - Otto Berman

Chapter Nineteen

Ethel's POV

"So, this is what it feels like to be cuddled by the big bad wolf."

Draven snorted behind me, tightening his arms around my stomach. His nose was nuzzled into my neck and his right leg was firmly locked over both of mine. I was still naked as the day I was born and his chest was still bare, but after last night it wasn't about anything sexual. I didn't feel like jumping his bones, it felt intimate. And I couldn't have been more relaxed if someone had doped me up.

After Draven promising that we weren't finished I somehow fell asleep. I didn't have any nightmares about little girls chained to mattresses or blood spattered over concrete like one endless nightmare. My dreams were white static nothingness.

I ran my fingers through the stray black strands of Draven's hair over my cheek and thought about those girls. "What happened to them, the girls I mean?"

"Tamal's grandmother took 'em in. Real nice, real crazy. Be pampered and coddled and adored," Draven whispered back. His tone had a wistfulness that had my forehead scrunching up.

"Do you think they'll recover from that? From being chained like dogs to a mattress in that dark room. How could someone even recover from that? How could someone do that to a child?" I asked. I knew though. People were mean and cruel and sometimes they weren't fit for humanity but they were still placed on this godforsaken earth to hurt others.

"No. They'll remember. They have a second chance though. More than you and I are ever going to get," he replied truthfully, brushing his lips across my neck.

"I'm going to go take a shower. Go make me breakfast, wench." I stretched my arms, regretfully pulling away from Draven. He made a noise of protest but his eyes latched on my body and he certainly wasn't groaning then.

I picked up the towel from the floor and wiggled my hips, turning back to smile at him. The playfulness vanished from his eyes and he sat up, throwing his legs off the bed.

"What?" I asked.

"Come here," For once I listened to his command and sauntered back, my smile a little less cheerful. I knew what was coming.

"Turn around." Draven's voice was as hard as steel but I didn't move. My smile dropped and my eyes hardened. The afterglow of spending the night in his bed quickly fading.

"No," I replied seriously. I pulled the towel around my shoulders and glared at Draven.

"You should go make us some breakfast." Draven didn't flinch. His eyes had lost their softness and the look clearly told me this wasn't a matter he was dropping.

"Turn. Around."


I screamed as my feet left the floor. Draven snatched me from where I stood and hauled me on his lap backwards so my back faced him. I threw my elbow back into his stomach but he wasn't fazed. He simply locked on arm around my stomach so my hands were in between my stomach and his arm. His other arm pushed the hair off my shoulder and his head turned to look at the scar in between my shoulder blades.

"It's ugly, I know. You saw it last night though." I said roughly, squirming on his lap.

"Stop movin'." I suddenly felt a very prominent bulge under my leg. He was getting turned on. The nerve!

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