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"Eliana, you could have at least pretended to be normal in front of Eric." Mila says as she rolls her eyes after walking back into the apartment.

"No." I refuse. She stops in her tracks and turns to face me.

"No? And why not?" Is it just me or is this argument really lame?

"Because the dude should not expect me to be normal and greet his ass every time he shows his face." I tell her while taking bites out of the cereal that is now soggy. "That is why I like your other boyfriend. What was his name again? Luke? He didn't even look my way." Mila shakes her head before walking to her room.

"You're so weird." she shouts before slamming her door. I smile at that an finish my cereal off.

All I can think about is that Eric guy. He looked a little familiar, but I'm not sure where I've seen him before. His exquisite features makes me wonder what is a guy like him doing with Mila? Sure she is beautiful and talented but I would expect him to be dating Ariana Grande or some other famous person who would use him as eye candy. Maybe a married woman who needs attention and pays the guy so that he stays around. Sure that's mean and maybe a little stereotypical but I just couldn't help myself.

I stand up from the table and walk up to the sink to rinse my bowl and put it in the dishwasher. My shirt gets splashes of water on it thanks to the spoon. I look down at my shirt and frown.

"Eliana, let's go." Mila says appearing out of nowhere once again. Her hair is now in a bun and her folder in her hands. Papers sticking out of it and ripped on the sides. I sometimes wonder how is it Mila is such a great designer and her sketches are so out of order.

"Okay." I say as I run to grab my shoes and my duffle bag from the couch. "Do you think the list will be up yet?" I ask Mila while we exit the apartment and she locks behind us. The cool air makes my cheeks feel cold and the hair hanging loosely on my shoulders to fly up a little.

"I don't know. Probably not because there are still others auditioning for the smaller roles." She informs me while we get into my old Bug.

"Don't get mad." Mila starts off changing the conversation while she puts her seatbelt on and I start the car.

"Yeah?" I question curiously.

"Liam contacted me a week ago." My eyes widen at the mention of his name. Liam is my ex who dumped me a couple months ago for no reason. All he said was that he didn't need that type of shit in his life. What was he talking about? I still have no clue.

"He wanted me to give him your number but I refused because even though he was a sweetheart, he's still a dick for what he did to you.." My heart beats a little faster at the idea of him still caring.

"Okay." Is all I manage to say to her just as I press on the acceleration. Liam, my Liam wanted to call me. Why? Does he regret what he did and wants to apologize. Would I even take him back? I mean we were happy and he was an amazing guy but what if he does the same thing again? Would I be willing to risk getting my heart broken a second time?

"Listen El-" I raise my head and smile over at her.

"It's fine Mila. Seriously." I reassure her as I rub my nose, my eyes still on the road ahead. As if on cue her phone beeps and her attention is diverted to her little rectangle screen in her hands. I could not be more grateful than I am at this very moment. I see her smile from the corner of my eyes and this assures me that she will be distracted during the drive to the studio. Thankfully though the drive is short and we arrive only minutes after.

"See you later." I tell her before we part and go our separate ways. She nods her head, her eyes still on her phone as she walks away and heads to the other side of the building. Because she is a costume designer and not a dancer, she goes in on the other side because that is where her office, or more like area where there are papers lying everywhere and different types of fabric thrown across the room.

But because of my luck, just when I think I might be able to get the rehearsal on time Kohl shows up. His light brown hair is pushed out of his face and his tan muscles are hidden behind a baggy sweatshirt. I said I hated him not that he wasn't hot as fuck.

"Why Hello El. Fancy bumping into you here." He says wrapping his arm around my shoulders. I roll my eyes at him and move his arm away from me.

"Kohl you were literally waiting for me at the door." I point out to him as we enter the building. He smiles down at me. I can feel all of the girls eyes on me. They all have some weird obsession with him and are always wanting to get his attention. I would gladly give all of this to them. He's annoying the shit out of me.

"Okay, yeah maybe but it was for a good reason." He tries again, his arm once again is placed on my shoulders. I do not remove it this time because I know he will just put it back.

"And what is the reason?" I question him. As we walk up to the elevator.

"You, me dance partners." His finger moves from him to me as then falls down to his side.

"Kohl." I whine just when the elevator gets to the floor.

"Eliana I am serious. We would be perfect together and on top of that if you agree I can make sure you get the role." Although that sounds very convincing, I want to get the role because I deserved it, not because some pretty boy is bribing me.

"I'll think about it." I tell him, my eyes furrowed together as I think about this offer. It is too good to pass up but do I really deserve it?

"Eliana you have to tell me by the end of the day." He says, removing his arm from my shoulders.

I nod my head and step into the elevator, my mind in another place.

Harry's P.O.V

All I could think of was her. Although this might be one of the most important meetings I could attend, my mind is at another place. It still amazes me how she is all I think about. The manager of the singer talks and proposes some things but I doubt we would even consider them. We are not the most prestigious label company for nothing.

Suddenly my phone beeps and I look down at the screen. My heart beats a little faster when I see who it's from.

Louis: She is with another man.

Those 5 words suddenly send me into a frenzy. Without even knowing it, I stand up briskly from my chair and the room becomes silent. I march out of the room and storm into my office before anyone can say anything and lock the door behind me.

A.N: hi peeps :)

Here is an update and I just want to tell you that in every chapter, there will be a short POV from Harry. It will show how Harry thinks and how even though an action that Eliana does might be small, it has a big effect on Harold.

When was the last time I updated? I do not remember but sorry for that.

I hope you like the book so far and continue to read it.

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