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"One, Two, Three, Four. One Two Three Four." Leonid's voice is heard over the soft ballet music which is soothing the pain in my feet.

Oddly today my mind isn't on the moves, or the pain- but on  certain man who seems to have come into my life even though I wish he hadn't. Erik is slowly growing on me and I do not like it. I used to be such an independent person who didn't give a flying fuck about anyone and now, this unknown stranger is taking up my thoughts? Does he care about me? Why didn't he even really look at Mila this morning? Why do I even care if Mila cheated on him? Are they even a couple?

I shake my head trying to make these questions leave my mind, but they don't.

"Good work people." Leonid says after stopping the music. "Good luck to those who auditioned for the production. I hope you got the roles you were aiming for." He says with his deep Russian accent. I can't help but wonder if it's just me or is his voice soothing..

"I hope I got the role." Liam says walking up to me just after everyone has taken a couple deep breaths and chucked down some cool water. I look up at him and smile.

"What role did you audition for?" Liam and I are friends but we do not spend much time together outside of the school. Sure he's nice and all but we don't really question each other about what's happening in our lives. He's just someone who you can sit with and not talk with for hours and it's comfortable.

"I Auditioned for Von Rothbart." My eyes widen when I realize who he wishes to play. That is one of the most important roles in the show. He is the sorcerer who casts a spell on Odette causing her to turn into a swan. Liam is a phenomenal dancer and I am positive he will get the role. Not only do I wish for him to get the role, I pray. There are a lot of cocky dancers at the company and if I get the role of Odette, then I would have to spend extra time with them.

"That's a big role." I can't help but point out. Liam smiles and nods his head.

"Yeah but it's a role I've wanted to play ever since I saw it preformed live for the first time at Kennedy Center." I look around and notice we are the only people left in the room.

"Where did everyone go?" I ask him as I grab my duffle bag off the floor.

"To go see the list of who got the roles. They just posted them." A smile forms on my face and I suddenly feel nervous. I didn't officially get the role so the idea that I won't even play the part of Odette makes my stomach turn. "Come on Liam. Hurry up! Let's go." I push as I  grabbing his hand and leading him out to the hall where a bunch of people have already assembled.

I haven't really put much thought into what I would do if I didn't get the role. Would I be heartbroken or just sad? Will I cry or just shrug it off? These are the types of things one prepares for in advance. I was so set on getting the role that I didn't even think of the possibility that I might not.

"How are we supposed to see what role we have if we can't even get through these animals." Liam says in an attempt to make a joke. I look up at him and he frowns while giving a shrug. "At least I tried."

"Congratulations!" I hear people saying to one another indicating they got the role. Others however break into a long, wet sob and hold onto one another for dear life. Some give me and evil look while others congratulate me and Liam.

We walk up to the sign once people have started to scatter. I take deep breaths and cross my fingers while keeping my eyes closed.

"Good luck." I say to Liam.

"You too El." I nod my head with my eyes still closed.

I turn to face the poster and quickly open my eyes. I see my name in bold on the paper next to the name Odette. A smile is plastered on my face but when I see who is playing my understudy, my smile vanishes.

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