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I slam the door shut as I hop out of the car with excitement. One thing that I really admire about Eric is that he is very strong minded. He isn't afraid to tell me what he thinks. Even when he knows I will retaliate.

"I'm sorry but I think Cerci is going to win the Game of Thrones." He states. A mischievous smile forms on his face causing me to smile in return.

"I disagree completely. Jon Snow is born from Fire and Ice." I remind him with a shrug. "You know I'm right so don't try and fight me on this." I warn him.

I haven't had this much fun in a while. Worrying about the performance and Mila has caused me to stay up at night thinking. Honestly I would rather be sleeping than thinking about Mila and Eric together. I shudder as the image of the two of them fill my mind.

"Oh? What will you do?" He questions shutting the door behind him and locking the car. He runs his hands through his hair making my bottom lip involuntarily hide behind my upper set of teeth.

"Fight you?" I say hesitantly. "I will pin you down and you will no longer be able to move."

"And then what?" He asks stepping onto the sidewalk and approaching me.

"Then I will force you to see the light." I say with less confidence. He has lessened the space between us and has his hands placed on my hips. "Agree with me" I clarify.

"Hum. And do how do you expect to pin me down Mrs. Emerson?" His hands pull my hips to his. He smiles at this and licks his full rosy lips.

"That is still to be decided." I answer as if I could ever possible over power this man.

His lips come closer to my face but don't land on my lips. Instead they travel to my ear and he whispers.

"You wouldn't have to try hard Eliana. I would do anything for you. Even agree to your silly suspicion of Jon being the king of the seven kingdoms." My heart beat quickens and I look up into his serious emerald green eyes as he pulls away. Wow. That was intense.

Suddenly my phone rings as if sensing the tension in the air. Only the happiness that once filled me vanishes as I see the name on the screen. Mila.

I hoped I wouldn't have to speak to her any time soon and that this thing between Eric and I could remain secret for a little while longer.

"Sorry, I have to take this." I say and push his strong torso away from mine. He frowns and looks at me probably seeing the displeasure on my face.

"Yeah, of course." He answers stepping away but still staying near.

"Hello?" I say into the small device praying for bad service.

"Hey El." I frown as I hear her soft voice answer back.

"How's New York?" I ask. I don't know what I'm expecting her to say but all I know for sure is that I can't have both Eric and Mila in my life. This is too hard. I think something inside of me wants her to stay in New York forever so that I will never have to face her.

Eric looks at me and an anger filled frown forms  on his face. Shit he knows who it is.

"It's not as I thought it would be." She responds.

"Oh? How so?" Eric pulls out his phone and types something in. He turns away and continued furiously typing into his device.

"I don't know. I guess I feel lonely." She tell me. "I miss you." A small smile forms on my face. How could I be doing this to her? She's the only family I have here and I'm going to loose her as soon as she finds out.

"I miss you too." I respond whole heartedly. I don't know where I would be without her. She helped me pursue my dream of dancing. She insisted on paying the rent so that I could afford dancing school. She's always there when I need her the most and look at me now. I'm walking around town with her maybe ex.

"Will you come visit me soon?" She asks

"Will you come home soon?" I ask hesitantly but hopefully she can't hear how desperate I sound.

"I will definitely be back for your performance." She assures me.

"Um, can I call you later?" I ask her as I look at Eric. He had now seated himself on the steps of the apartment building and is looking at me with unfocused eyes. It's unsettling.

"Yeah of course." She responds. We both say our 'I love yous' before hanging up.

"Hey." I say as I sit down next to a pensive Eric.  "What are you thinking?"

"I'm thinking how we can never really be together unless Mila is out of the way." He says.

"You sound like a mobster who's gonna 'get rid of a problem'." I joke and link my arm with his. He takes my hand and kisses it before wrapping his big hand to completely cover mine as if to keep the kiss from flying away.

"I'm serious El. Every time we are close to being happy or normal either she calls, texts or you see something that reminds you of her and we end up having the same conversation on why we should be together even though  Mila still loves me. " he rants. Loves you?

"She loves you?" I ask him alarmed.

"What? No. It's a matter of speech." He reassures before letting out a deep sigh. "We weren't even together for that long."

"Let's make a deal." He suggests.

"I'm all ears." I answer before kissing his shoulder. He smiles down at me warming my heart.

"Let's not think about Mila until we have to. Let's just do us and deal with her when the time comes for her to come back." He looks at me waiting for a reaction. Honestly it's probably going to come back to haunt us but truthfully, I just want to spend time with Eric and not worry.

"I can live with that. Deal." I extend my arm out for him to shake but instead if shaking it, he pulls me in and kisses me deeply and filled with emotion.

"You've got to seal the deal with a kiss not a handshake." He informs me. I shake my head at his playful manner before standing up and leading him into the building. His mood shift was sudden but in the moment, welcomed with open arms.

Harry's P.O.V

Me: In 3 days I want you to get rid of Mila. I don't care how you do it. I want her gone.

Louis: I have the perfect method in mind.


Heyy. So sorry for a really late update but Junior Year was rough. And now, i've got to worry about college apps. I don't know when i'll update next but I'll try to update ASAP

This is where the story gets interesting.

❤️❤️ u all


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