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lUcOzAdE - Zayn

It has been three days since I've last seen him. Three days since I've seen those intense green eyes that follow my every move. I have been lucky. Leonid has been keeping me at the company late to practice my moves to perfection. I haven't been home often enough to run into him. However I know my luck is about to run out.

"El!" I head Mila call just as I walk through the door into our home. I look up and see her in a dress, make up half done and a lipstick stick in her hand. My eyebrows raise just before I burst out laughing.

"You look like some fucking lunatic right now." I point out. She just smiles and twirls around to show me how wonderful she looks. I shake my head with a large smile still on my face.

"Why are you dressed up so fancy like?" I question and she just gives me a look as if I'm stupid.


"Today is Louis' party."

"Louis?" I ask. This guy's name keeps coming up but honestly I have no idea who he is. I just pretend to know what she's talking about but now I got to stop playing around and find out who he is.

"Erik's friend." She reminds me and my hand moves to my cheek as I slap it. How is it I keep fogetting these types of stuff?

"Shit, I forgot that's today." I say and she just stares at me.

"Well you got to go get ready." She says and I frown.

"Mila, I've been practicing all day and I'm exhausted." I whine. "Do I really have to go? I mean it's not like I know the guy."

"You have to go. I already told Erik you're coming. He told him and you're now on the list. Stop being a bitch and go get ready so we can go. Erik will be here in ten minutes." My eyes move to my watch and that's when I finally react. 

"Shit!" I scream while running to my room and throwing on the first dress I find. It takes a while before I can find the front of the dress. The fact that I'm hurrying this makes it even harder. Why did it have to be today? Why did I even agree to this? Fuck.

The whole time I'm trying to put my hair into a somewhat presentable bun, my mind is trying to comprehend the fact that I will be seeing Erik again. Erik. Why has he been the only thing I've been thinking about? Can he just leave me alone and let me forget about his existence? The fact that he's hot doesn't help me much.

He will be at the party. I will be in the same room as him. Will he try something? I did tell him that we can't be together. As long as he gets the message I might be able to stand being around him without it being so awkward.

"El! Erik is here." Fuck. Speak of the devil.

I just put some lipstick on since I don't have time to do anything else. Why try to impress someone I don't know?

I grab my leather jacket and slip my black stilettos on while running out of the room but also trying not to fall.

"I'm here!" I announce and Mila just smiles at me quite impressed by my speed. Her black dress hugs her body perfectly and I can't help but envy her height and figure. How could any man not want her? She is literally the definition of perfection.

"Eliana." Erik greats me his eyes are filled with life and a half smirk is on his face. I smile back at him trying to be polite. So much for avoiding him. I mean this was enviable.

"Shall we go?" I ask them pointing at the door. Erik has tight black jeans hugging his legs and beige boots covering his big feet. A jean shirt is covering his ink filled chest but it's unbuttoned at the top. His hair is put into a bun slightly making my body feel hotter. Damn. I never said he isn't fine.

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