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I ignore Eric who desperately calls my name as I walk back to the booth. I don't want to be here. I just want to go home and curl up in my bed. I know however that if I tell Mila I want to leave she will get worried and start questioning me. That is the last thing I want. I need to find a valid excuse.

As I approach her, I come up with a lie that will allow me to leave without being caught red handed.

"Hey Mila." I say just as I sit next to her. Eric is getting closer with each step he takes so I try to hurry this up.

"El?" She replies while sipping on her martini. A wide smile covers her face and her eye light up when she noticed Eric behind me.

"I have to go." I tell her . Her smile vanishes and she sets her drink down.

"Why?" She questions. Eric is standing right behind me. I can feel his angry gaze on me all the while, I picutre the frown on his face.

"I have practice tomorrow. I have to be up by six in the morning." I partially lie.  I do have practice tomorrow but it starts at twelve.

"El." She whines and laces her hand with mine. "Can't you stay?" Mila understands how passionate I am about dancing. She would never harm any chance I had at making it big or even prevent me from going to rehearsal.

"No I'm sorry." I pull my hand out of hers and stand up. Eric is still standing behind me and I can feel his hot breath travel down my spine. It sends a shiver throughout my whole body. His finger touches mine discreetly and I know he wants me to stay. He can't say it though because Mila is right in front of us.

"How are you going to get home?" She asks.

"Kohl is coming to get me." She nods her head in approval and hugs me before allowing me to go home. Eric insists on walking me out even though I told him I didn't want him to.

"Eliana. Just stay." He begs as we descend the stairs. I shake my head trying to resist him.

"I don't deserve to be here. Mila is your date to this thing. Not only that, this is your friend's party. I don't want to intrude." I tell him and his frown deepens. He grabs my arm and pulls me closer to him. Our chests are touching and I can feel his heart beat at a rapid pace.

"I told you, I want to be with you. Eliana I don't know why you keep pushing me away. " I escape his grasp and continue walking away, not saying anything else. I dont think he understand the situation he put me in. He is making me lie to my best friend and keep secrets from her. I'm not ok with this.

Eric runs up to me, pushing people out of his way.

"El, I get it. She is your best friend and all but I think she would want you to be happy."

"You don't understand." I tell him. "This can't work. Even if you two break up we could never be together."

"We aren't dating." He informs me once again but I tell him it still wouldn't change anything. He continues pursuing me out the door, and stands by me as I wait for Kohl.

"Are you and Kohl a thing?" He asks me randomly after a minute of silence. He looks at me, waiting impatiently for my answer. His eyes are filled with worry and curiosity.

"No." I answer simply and he continues to watch me. He nods his head and looks back at the road. "Why?"

"You two are just very friendly with one another." He says and I chuckle at that.

"Kohl is friendly with everyone." I point out but he doesn't look convinced.

"Shouldn't you go back to Mila?" I say hoping he will leave me alone, but the man isn't one to give up.

"I would rather be with you." He answers and steps closer to me.

"Eric.." I warn and look behind me. What if Mila decided she wanted to go home and comes out of the club. She would see how close Eric is and have a melt down. I need to stay away from Eric. Keep my distance. It's impossible though. Eric  is everywhere I turn. He is in my mind, behind every corner and somehow knows everything.

"Eliana." I stare him down and he just smiles at me. "Even when you're annoyed with me you're cute." I frown at him and look away. I hate that he just made me feel a tingling sensation inside. I don't even know him that well and here he is wiggling his way into my heart.

"Eric. No." He laughs and pulls his hand away from my face. Suddenly, a car pulls up in front of the club and it's Kohl. He rolls down his window and a wide smile is on his face.

"Eliana." He chants my name. He notices the proximity between Eric and I. His eyebrow raises and a side smirk forms on his face. "You coming or did you change your mind?"

I walk to the other side of the car and before getting in, I notice Eric staring him down. I shake my head and get in the vehicle. Kohl turns to face me. I hold my hand up shut him up and instruct him to drive.

"Tell me, does Mila know you have a thing for her man?" He questions even though I told him not to.

"I don't have a thing for her man." I lie and he laughs.

"Bullshit Eliana. I saw the way you were looking at him." I look at him and realize how deep I am.

"You can't tell Mila." I plead and he frowns. "She would hate me forever."

"Don't you  think she deserves to know? I've seen the way he looks at you. I'm not blind El. He admires you." I look out the widow. "He doesn't even throw a glance at Mila when you're around."

"I didn't ask for this." I try to justify myself.

"I know. I just hope you know what you're doing. Before someone gets hurt."

Harry's P.O.V

I walk back into the club frustrated. I hate that she left. I hate that I'm even in this situation. Why did I have to go for Mila? Things would have been so much simpler if my mother could keep her legs shut.

"Oi Harry." Louis walks up me and throws his arm around my shoulder. "I saw you two together." He says and takes a sip from his drink. "Is she yours yet?" He's drunk.

"It's more complicated than that." I sigh and push him off of me. I walk away while pulling my phone out of my pocket.

I dial a number and put it to my ear. As it rings, I picture how much things would be easier without Mila around. I can't kill her because Eliana would be devastated. All I can do it get her far away from here.

"Harry. My old friend. How are you?"

"Hey Montty. I need a favor to ask of you."

"Sure. Anything."

A.N: Hi people. How are you all?

What do you think Harry is up to? What he want to do will backfire later in the story. Watch out Harold.. OK this chapter is short but it's more of a filler if anything. And his comment about his mom will be elaborated on later in this story as well.

How do you feel about Harry's hair being cut? I just want to know what it will look like tbh..

OK bye.


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