Author's Note

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Please don't kill me in your disappointment that this is not an update. I just wanted to tell you that, first and foremost, no, I don't plan on abandoning this story. And second, this past year a lot of stuff has happened that has hindered my writing time and you could probably tell...and I'm really sorry for that.

I totally understand if you're peeved or disappointed, but I've also had lots of things going on, including moving into a new house, coming to terms with this stupid medical condition I developed, and other not so nice surprises. And also nice surprises. Those take up time too. Haha. But like I said, I get it if you're tired and annoyed waiting...because I get like that too when I don't write...but I hope I at least have your understanding.

I want to finish this series soooooooooo bad already. And I say series because it seems this story might be split in two. It just developed into something bigger than I thought it would be. I have most of it planned out, so...lots of stuff is gonna happen. This next chapter is in Reth's POV, so I hope you stick around for that. It's going to have a scene I've been excited to write about for a while already and it may or may not involve Sianna. 

I figured this message would reach more of you if I uploaded it to the story instead of sending it out through WP. Thanks for understanding, and thank you even more for you patience. I really, really appreciate all of you guys sticking it out here with me. I'd like to say it'll all be worth it. <3

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