Chapter 26 - The Temple King

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Sianna hadn't slept

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Sianna hadn't slept. She would have liked to blame it on the fact that she was a corpse. Or a wight or whatever she was supposed to be, but she knew her lack of sleep was because of that thing that had appeared last night. The canopy above them had disappeared and an array of constellations hung in the dark sky like the dancing fireflies that had rarely appeared in Jabel.

Then she saw it.

That monstrosity that had flown in the air, curling like the fingers of death itself around the scattered stars, encasing all in darkness. Sianna had felt its touch in her chest, a phantom hand that pushed against her ribs. It hammered, demanding to be heard, to be felt. When she placed her own hand over her heart, pulseless, was when she realized she was feeling the echo of a heart beating from fear.

Iari had told them to remain where they were, under the damn invisible tree. He explained it would keep them safe through some magickal nonsense and he knew this because of some other magickal nonsense that all simply made Sianna fucking sick to hear. Magick was also the reason why there was a damn hole in her neck and why she wasn't even in her fucking home world anymore.

"Ready to go, Sianna?" Aldermeck said.

Sianna looked up from the meager breakfast they had secured. She didn't know why they even bothered. No one except Calera had eaten. Even if Sianna had felt hunger, there was no way she would eat knowing it would probably fall out of her neck. She stood and Aldermeck followed her action with pensive eyes.

"What is it?" Sianna asked.

The ex-Leitnant crossed her arms but remained silent.

Everyone was on their feet, ready to be off. Iari would lead again. It seemed in this world he could hone in on magickal essences he was familiar with, but Sianna figured it was the necklace the wizard had given him that was granting him this power. She noticed it was still glowing its annoying white haze since the black dragon had emerged. The pendant looked like a little star, the only light that hadn't been devoured last night.

"Sianna?" Iari wrapped the wizard's stone in a fist. "Is something wrong?"

"Why is that still glowing? Why did it even glow to begin with?" she asked.

He gave her his usual wide-eyed, innocent stare that not even his scarred face could mask. "I don' know. But I think it's okay since it 'elped us."

"How can you trust it if you don't even know what it's doing?"

"If you frown any more, Sianna, your face will freeze like that." Lycin grinned at her.

As she was doing since Reth and others left, Sianna ignored him. "Whatever it is, just hurry up and take us to where the others are," she said to Iari. "Who knows how far away they are now since we stopped for that excessively long night."

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