Chapter 17 - Scars Beneath the Flesh

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Dedicated to EvinCesim! ^-^

(I lost my list of sad. I will now have to start from scratch. DX)

Drawing:'ll find out. Drawn by me...horribly.  


Scars Beneath the Flesh

Sianna watched Iari run up to Kota. He kneeled by her, his shaking hands coming up to her head. Nervous fingers hovered over her forehead and neck, never touching, like any physical contact would make her disappear.

"Kota," Iari said as if realizing her name for the first time. His fingers landed on Reth's blade. "Reth. Please."

The Rhokin didn't seem to even breathe. His sights were set on his target, blade a prod away from piercing Kota's pale grey skin.

Iari faced Sianna. "Tell Reth to put 'is sword away. Tell 'im it's okay."

She snarled but the words that were to accompany it didn't pass her lips. There was something about his voice. She sighed, her scowling expression set on Iari. "No."


"Show her, Iari," Kota said.

His distressed eyes turned to her. She smirked an all canines grin at him but could only face him with her eyes.

"I didn't say you could talk yet, Nayichi," Sianna spat.

"Your face," Kota told Iari. A hiss followed her words as Reth's blade pierced her skin. Pale green blood trickled down her neck and onto the melting snow, a drop of grass in the ice.

"Sianna!" Iari stood up. "If I tell you the truth, would you tell Reth to back away?"

"The truth?" Sianna echoed.

She walked up to him, her steps crunched through the ice. Each crackle brought a new thought to mind about the boy in front of her. The boy that donned on multiple disguises. The boy that was following her in secret to the Citadel. The boy that was a user.

"Yes," he said and gave a half–hearted smile. "Do you remember when you asked for my age an then called me a late bloomer? When we were at the shrine?"

She crossed her arms and nodded.

"I told you I was nineteen when I was suppos' to tell you I was fourteen. I accidently told you my real age."

"Your real age?"

He nodded. "I 'an disguise myself, like you know, but I don't really look like this. My face and my stature...I...I took on the look of my little brother that died a few years ago."

Sianna's arm came down to her sides. She had not expected that, but there was still the possibility his words were disguised as well. She waited for him to continue.

"Five years ago my village was attacked. My brother an I were spared the initial attacks only because our parents 'ad sent us out to buy food. We ran but the swarm of Magus was overwhelming an one of them soon found us.

"It was tall and black with eyes like ice, a wolf on human legs with claws tha' gleamed red. When it reached for my little brother, I pushed him aside." Iari stopped talking. His hand came up to his head, palm over his face. Light green eyes peered through his fingers and locked on Sianna.

"The Magus grabbed me like this," he said without moving his hand, "and squeezed my head. I thought I was going to die but better me than my brother. I was still scared though.

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