Chapter 30 - The Eye of Artemis

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They all landed over a stream.

Sianna heard the bubbling whoosh as water swallowed her. She surfaced, an array of splashes telling her the others were close by. The depth was shallow, up to Sianna's chest, which was a relief because she wasn't confident in her swimming abilities. She sloshed through the water and mud pretending she didn't feel Reth's concerned gaze as he watched her over his shoulder. It was hard to do though because his blond locks were plastered to his skull in an endearing combover while the hairs in the back of his head stood straight up.

Aldermeck and Lycin were already on shore. She was wringing the water out of her clothes while he had his head low, whispering something to Calera. Iari and Deneck, however, had swum deeper into the stream until they were bobbing heads laughing and splashing water at each other.

"Look at those idiots," Aldermeck said when Sianna sat next to her.

"We're home." She laughed, living out her enthusiasm as she watched Deneck chase Iari only to get hit in the face with a wave that was suspiciously big.

Aldermeck inhaled, deep as if tasting the air. "We are. About damn time."

"Now if only we knew where," Lycin said.

Sianna didn't look at him. "Always a damper, aren't you? Like an annoying fly."

"I'll make sure to buzz lovingly and sweetly in your ear only." His fingertip outlined her lobe.

She burst into a fit of giggles. Lycin stared with a mixture of surprise and awe. It didn't matter. They were in Dracarr. She knew because she was still wet from the water. Here, it didn't magickly dry when exposed to the air. Here, there was a blue sky with a single sun. Here, the sky was black with pinprick stars and waning moons. So who cared if Lycin was being an insufferable ass? That was just part of the norm Sianna was eager to welcome.

"But where exactly are we?" Aldermeck asked like she had read her thoughts and was waiting for the perfect moment to damper her joy.

Who cares? she wanted to say, but it was true. They needed to establish their bearings and find the way back to Baerston Keep to give Vulharis the stone. Just because they were home didn't mean they were done. And after all they went through, that stupid wizard better have good news for them.

Kota appeared, jewels twinkling on her skin with the sunset's diminishing light. The tiny drops of water sliding down her body added to the effect. Aside from a torn cloth clinging around her waist, she had nothing on. Sianna had dared to hope she hadn't returned with them after all, but of course that had been too good to be true.

Aldermeck shared Sianna's sentiment. "You would appear to us like that."

"It was easier for me like this," Kota said.

"It's easier for me too." Lycin grinned.

Sianna sighed. "Easier to do what?"

"Ask the river where we were," Kota said. "We're about a two day's ride from the castle if we can secure some horses in the next town. We can reach it after nightfall if we take off now."

"For as imposing as Tanis tried to appear, he couldn't drop us off closer?" Lycin said.

She scowled at him.

"It is done. And we have dwindled here enough," Aldermeck said as she stood.

"We have." The Nayichi took on her usual human disguise, her red hair appearing like a halo of fire.

As much as Sianna wished they already were in Baerston Keep, a bed felt more welcoming right now, and the exhaustion on everyone's face said they felt the same way. "We should rest at this town when we reach it. If it's a two day's ride back, we can make it in one if we ride through the whole night tomorrow."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2019 ⏰

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