clace and sizzy kids

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Today, I was at the park with WarriorCats3636 and reader62403 and we saw  Clace and sizzy kids! The Clace kid, who's name was Will, had blue eyes and blonde hair and he was so cute! He was definetly a herondale. Oh, and we also saw Simon with the Clace kid because we guessed Clary and jace were somewhere else, maybe having a date?!. Simon had brown hair and glasses and he was pushing Will on the swing and then Will would push Simon! It was so ADORABLE!

And the sizzy kids! There were like 4 girls who had brown hair and they were about ages 2-4! One sizzy kid was following  us and we kept saying hi to her, but she was too little to talk. We also saw maryse and robert.

The clace and sizzy kids were so cute and Simon was being a very good uncle! Also, Will was playing with a sizzy girl and I just couldn't take it anymore! The feels!! The fandom kids were AMAZING!!!

So how was your day?

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