SpElLiNg BeE

29 4 7

So today in school, we had a spelling bee!
And I actually did really good!!!
I got in the top 4 out of about 90 people.
But, the funny thing was, you had to say the word, spell it, and then say it again or else you'd get out(even if the word is spelled right). So basically all of the smart people on our team got out because they forgot to say the word in the beginning.
Thankfully, I didn't get out on that, I got out on.... (let's turn this into a game, try and guess the word I got wrong out of these 4 options)





Comment what word you think I got out on!! (If I already told you or you knew what word I got out on, please don't say the answer. *cough WarriorCats3636 and reader62403*

Comment below!↓↓↓↓

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