tmi story

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In language arts, we have to write a story about three characters and yourself, and you have to be stranded in a place. The place I chose was a deserted island. The three characters are: Will, jace and from warriors, Firepaw. Here's my story so far:

(I don't know Jace, Will, or Firepaw)

My P.O.V:

"Section 2H" The loudspeaker rang, dinging in my head. I rolled my luggage over to where the overhang sign hung. Looking up, I made sure this was the correct section- and it was, my ticket matched the sign above me. I hauled my large green suitcase over a seat, and handed my ticket to the flight attendant. "Pickles Herondale?" The attendants eyes shone light the blue twinkling ocean, soothing my nervousness of the airplane ride. "Yep, that's me." I returned the smile back as she handed me my plane ticket. "You can enter the plane now, just make sure to..." I wasn't listening to the rest of her sentence, my nerves got the best of me and I slowly started to plan bad scenario's out in my head. What if the plane went down? What if the plane started rocking and it crashed? What if- The voice in my head was interrupted by a hand being clammed down on my shoulder. "Excuse me miss, but we are boarding the plane now. If you don't get on now, I'm afraid you'll miss your wonderful flight." A man with black hair, and dark blue eyes beamed. His eyes were so blue, it reminded me of the dark nights in the sky. I stared into his eyes for a few more seconds before responding. "Um, yes. I think I should go on the plane now." My smile faded as I stepped onto the shaky plane.

My feet were shaking and my heart was thumping in my ears as I searched for row 28. "Aha!" I exclaimed, quickly scampering into my tiny row. 3 seats were displayed neatly in my row, each an inch apart from each other. I sat down, brushing off my pants, just in case I had crumbs on it. Just as I skimmed my fingers along my pants, a man plummeted into the seat next to me. "Hello, lovely miss." His whole face lit up when he smiled. "I'm Jace Herondale. Your lovely plane partner." I chuckled at his humor, and he laughed too. "I'm Pickles, um..." I totally forgot what my last name is- my nerves were tingling so much, I could feel them! Jace looked into my eyes, and I returned the look back. I could tell he was searching for what was wrong, anybody can tell when I'm nervous. "You ok?" Jace asked, his gold eyes were worried. "Yeah," I lied. "I'm fine." I turned my gaze out of the window, since I was the one who got the window seat. My peacefulness was interrupted by a loud commotion at the entrance of the plane. "I do not want to go on this plane with that monster." The guy who I was talking to before, the one with the dark blue eyes, retorted in disgust. I peered over Jace's shoulder to see what this guy was talking about. There was a duck in a cage sitting next to an old man. "You must never trust a duck!" He screamed, announcing to the whole airplane. "And if I complain-" The man's grumbling stopped as the attendant asked the man with the duck to move to the back of the plane. The dark blue eyes guy smiled in happiness as the other man left. As the old man walked down the aisle holding the duck, Jace let out a yelp as he passed by. "Ah!" Jace jumped back in his seat, bumping into me. "Ouch." I rubbed my shoulder even though it didn't hurt. "Sorry." Jace returned back to staring at his seat as I returned back to the window. But once again, I was interrupted. Why couldn't I get peace and quiet on this plane?

Out of all the people I had to sit with it, it just had to be this guy. The guy with the dark blue eyes that kept telling me to never trust a duck. He had just found his seat, which was next to Jace. I sighed at the luck I had- was it ever good luck? "Oh, and I'm Will." Will stuck out his hand stiffly. I accepted the handshake and shook very firmly. My teachers always said the firmest handshake meant a good first impression, and I wanted to make a great impression. "I'm Pickles- and this is Jace, uh, Herondale." Will looked as if he saw a ghost. His skin turned a deadly white, and his smile turned straight to a frown. "Did you just sa-" The loudspeaker boomed on, echoing each word into my head. "Hello, ladies and gentlemen. Today, you have all ridden on Airplane 2H to arrive at the destination of The Fiji Islands. We hope you enjoy this wonderful ride and we want to remind you of a few things. First of all, our pilot is trying his best, so please do not complain of anything. Secondly, turn your cellphones into airplane mode, and keep their volume down to the lowest it can be. Also, we are going to take off after this announcement, so buckle your seatbelts! And lastly, have fun! Thank you all for listening, enjoying, and riding Airplane 2H." The jolly voice ended, leaving Will to finish his sentence. "As I said before, did you say that this handsome man is Jace Herondale?" Jace smirked, but Will was still as serious as before. "Yes, and you are Will, correct?" Will relied hastily, "Yes. Infact, I am Will herondale."

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