Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 (Blake's POV)

I woke up and she wasnt there i was kind of sad about that but oh well i should go throw out whoever is still in my house. The cleaning ladies should be here soon. Taking a quick shower and throwing on some clean clothes i went downstairs and everyone was already gone. I was about to go upstairs when the doorbell rang. I opened it expecting it to be the cleaning ladies but when i opened it Adriana and Lisa were here. 

I look at them and say "Wassups ladies" while smirking.

Lisa looks at me with an eyebrow raised and says "Eww Blake still hitting on girls i see, god youll always be a player huh?"

"Yehh pretty much."

"Anyways im only here to see if you say Ana, we lost her yesterday and she isnt picking up her phone."

"No when i woke up nobody was here but if you see her again let her know we should hang out again, if you know what i mean."

They gave me shock, disgusted looks and just walked away.

Ana's POV- waking up this morning

"Ughhhhhhhhh." i have the biggest headache never again will ill drink. I go to sit up but something is holding me down. I turn my head and i have to hold my mouth to contain my scream. Next to me is Blake, what on earth am i doing in bed with him. "what else do you think genius" my mind tells me. I roll my eyes and look down hoping im not naked but sadly we were both naked. 

I cannot believe i lost my virginity to the player of the school. I slowly lift his arm hoping not to wake him. When i successfully finish and stand up he stirs a little but falls back asleep. I quickly look around the room picking up my clothes and putting them on. I start walking home when my phone starts buzzing. I look and see i have many missed calls and texts from Lisa and Adriana asking where i was.

I ignore it to ashamed to talk to anyone. When i get home my mom and dad aren't here so im guessing they left to work already. I jump in the shower and make sure i rinse everything. I feel soo disgusted with my self, i mean i was saving myself for the right guy and now i lost it  to Blake and cant even remember it. I go to sit on my bed when my doorbell rings. I wonder who is at my door because i sure wasnt expecting anything. 

When i open the door Lisa and Adriana are standing there with very mad expressions. Why are the mad at me if anything i should be mad at them for not coming to look for me. They just walk in and go straight to my room. I close and lock my front door and head upstairs. As soon as i walk in Adriana and Lisa start asking, well more like screaming questions at me. I have such a bad headache i cant even hear them. I throw my hand up in a "be quiet" gesture and they shut up. I look at Adriana and ask her "What is it you guys want im really tired and i just want to go to bed." She looks at Lisa who gives her a small nod and turns back to me asking "What happened with you and Blake last night?'

I stare at her in shock, how do they know this nobody should know this. "Wh-what?" is all i can manage to say. Lisa then looks at me and says " We went to Blake's house this morning to see if you were there passed out in one of the rooms when he says that no one was there but he said to let you know that you two should hang again and then added "if you know what I mean". I just stare at them in shock and im pretty sure that im blushing bright red. Well i might as well tell them because they arent going to leave me alone unless i tell them. 

"Well all i really remember is letting you guys know that i was heading to the bathroom and while looking for i walked into Blakes room. He was putting a shirt on and then i dont know its pretty blank from there. Then I wake up and im naked in his bed with him. So I got up, got dressed and left hoping he would forget it, but apparently he didnt. God its going to be sooo embrassing seeing him in school." When I looked up at them they were staring at me with there jaws dropped. 

Lisa is the first to talk by saying " ummmm wow!!!!"

"Yup" i say popping the P. "Well now that, that is all cleared up do you guys mind going home im really tired and i want to have enough sleep before school tomorrow. They nodded and before they left Lisa said "Ill call when im outside im picking you guys up tomorrow." Then they walked out.  Before heading to sleep i take a pain killer and sleep.

Walking into school this morning was soo nerve wrecking. I wasnt even this scared when i had to face my parents this morning of why i didnt come home at curfew. But it looks like Blake hasnt told anyone today since no one is looking. I walk into first period English and i mentally slapped myself because I have this class with Blake. So when i walk in he stares at me with a smirk on his face and quickly winks at me. The rest of the day went by quick as did the next few weeks with Blake eventually onto the next girl and not paying attention to me as i never had exsited. It hurt at first but i quickly got over it. 

~3 Weeks Later~ (Friday afterschool) 

I had driven the girls to school today and we were now heading back to my house. These past few days i have been sick alot during the mornings and throughout the day but i just took medicine and ignored it. Anyways the girls planned on staying the whole weekend so before heading to my house i had to stop at theres so they can pick up clothes and other things they needed. Once we got to my house we went to my room and started our homework soo we wouldnt have to worry about it. In the middle of doing Geometry homework Lisa excused herself to go to the bathroom. But before she went, she started swearing under her breath. I asked her what was wrong and she told me that she had forgot to grab her pads before she left and if i had any. 

I froze at her words, I havent had my period yet and i shouldve gotten it a week ago. I start to hyperventilate because that would explain the morning sickness. What if i am pregnant? "OH.MY.GOD, i am in sooo much trouble." Lisa looks at me while Adriana gets up walking towards me. She hold me at arms length and just stares at me. I start crying and she pulls me into a hug while Lisa comes and starts rubbing my back cooing calming words to me. We all sit on the floor once i pull away from them. Adriana looks at me and then says "Ana babe whats wrong?" There's soo much worry in her voice but i look up at her and say "When Lisa asked for a pad i realized that i havent had my period and i should of gotten it a week or soo ago. Then there have been the morning sickness i have been having but i though nothing about it. And now thinking about and putting two and two together i think that I might be pregnant." 

When i am done explaining i am out of breathe and Adriana and Lisa are looking at me with complete shock i mean im surprised there eyes havent popped out yet. I then say "I understand if you guys dont want to hang with me if i do turn out pregnant, i wouldnt want to be near me either." I start to tear up again at the thought of losing them but then Adriana lifts my chin up and says "Ana i cant believe you would even suggest that, we are your bestfriends and if you do turn out pregnant we will be with you everystep of the way and also be the best aunts ever." I look at Lisa and shes has a smile on her face and is nodding. I dont think i have ever been happy, they are the bestfriends anyone can ask for.

Lisa then gets up and says "Wait here, I am going to go to the pharmacy and pick up a pregnancy test so you can be sure." I nod at her and give her a hug, thanking her many times. She gives me a smile and then heads out.

~20 Minuntes Later~

After awhile Lisa returns with 5 different tests. She said she wasnt sure which one was better so she got one of each. I thanked her before heading into my bathroom. We were sitting on my bathroom floor waiting for the 10 minutes to be up. When the timer went off my heart started pounding and i couldnt move. Adriana says "Ana its fine just remember we will always be here." I nod and slowly get up walking to my sink. When i see all 5 tests i want to curl up into a ball and cry. I look at them with tears in my eyes and say "They're all positive, Im Pregnant!"

Okayyyy soo what do you guys think soo far is it good or bad!!! Well let me know your thoughts!!





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