Chapter 4

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After awhile Lisa returns with 5 different tests. She said she wasn't sure which one was better so she got one of each. I thanked her before heading into my bathroom. We were sitting on my bathroom floor waiting for the 10 minutes to be up. When the timer went off my heart started pounding and I couldn't move. Adriana says "Ana its fine just remember we will always be here." I nod and slowly get up walking to my sink. When I see all 5 tests I want to curl up into a ball and cry. I look at them with tears in my eyes and say "They're all positive, I'm Pregnant!"


Chapter 4 (Ana's POV)

I couldn't believe I was pregnant, it wouldn't process through my head. I instantly thought about abortion but as soon as that thought came it left. I couldn't destroy a life that had no take in this. It was mine and Blake's fault and our baby shouldn't have to pay for that. I put my hand to my stomach and smiled. Just saying our baby made me happy. I know I should be scared out of my wits but I more happy than scared. I feel like this baby is going to be a good thing and I might have to do this alone but at least I will have him or her.

I was brought out of my thoughts by Lisa shaking me and calling my name. I didn't even hear her. "What?" is all I manage to say. "Are you okay you were like totally out of it?" she asks me. "Yeah I'm fine I mean I'm scared but I'm happy, I don't know how to explain it but I'm just really happy." When I look back up they are both smiling like crazy lunatics. "WE'RE GOING TO BE AUNTIES!!!!!" They both scream in unison.

The crazy look on their faces make me crack up, after I finish my little laughing fit I start crying and thanking them on how they are the bestest friends in the whole world. Lisa pats my back while Adriana mutters something under her breathe that sounded like hormones. When I pull away Lisa has a serious face on and asks me "Are you going to tell Blake?" I think about it for a second before nodding "He has a right to know that he is going to be a father, whether he will be in our child's life is up to him but even if he's not ill make sure our child gets all the love in the world."

They smile at me while Adriana says "I like to see him say he wont be apart of his child's life because if he does I will personally rip his balls off and feed them to my dog." I juss stare at her in shock before we all start laughing.

The next day we all wake up early and as I go to brush my teeth I feel something coming so I run to the bathroom and start throwing up. Adriana and Lisa are instantly by my side helping me out. As soon as im good we all brush our teeth and head downstairs. All I smell is bacon and eggs and I cant help but drool at it, its the best thing I have ever smelt. We all say are good mornings to my mom as she sets three plates down for us. We thank her and dig in.

When we finish we put our dishes in the sink but not before I look at my mom and say "Is dad her I really need to talk to you both its very important." My mother gives me a concerned look as she goes to get my father and when I look at Adriana and Lisa they are both wide eyes in shock. I just shrug my shoulders and say "Its better I tell them now then have them find out a few months later." They both nod and follow me to the living room.

A few minutes later my mom walked in with my father, both of them giving me concerned glances. I stare at them for a few seconds before saying "Before I tell you whats wrong I just want to say im soo soo sorry I never meant for this to happened it was truly an accident." They look at me just staring and I took their silence in and continued to talk. "Mom, Dad I-im pr-pregnant." My mom looked like she was going to cry while my dad looked like he was going to shoot someone and bury them 6 feet under. I was to ashamed so I just stared at the floor like it was the most interesting thing in the world.

"How is this possible?" my mother said while my dad just continued to glare at me. "It happened 3 weeks ago when I went to a party and I got really drunk and it just happened. I didn't even know what I did until I woke up and saw for myself." My mother stood silent after that. Then my dad spoke up and said through clenched teeth "Ana I am very disappointed in you, but what done is done and this is a responsibility that you are going to have to take care of for the next 18 years of your life. Your life is going to change a lot. I also want to know who the father is and why he isn't here telling us this with you." I look at my dad, about to cry I hated disappointing my parent but most of all my dad, I was a big daddy's girl. "Yes dad I know that everything is going to change but I have to be responsible for my actions and the things that come with it as for the father his name is Blake Luis and he isn't here because I have not told him yet since I just found out yesterday but I will let him know tomorrow at school." My dad nodded seeming pleased with my answer before he started whispering into my mothers ear.

She nodded and it seemed like they agreed on something. "Me and your mother are both very disappointed in you but like I said before what's done is done so we have a compromise for you. If you stay in school and keep you grades up for the rest of high school me and your mother will help pay for all expenses and a nanny for the baby while your at school and doing school work." I nodded with a big smile on my face and jumped on my parents thanking them like a hundred times. They gave me sad smiles before walking out the living room.

"WOW" both Lisa and Adriana say when my parents walk out. "Yeah I know" is all I say. We all went to my room and just hanged out for the next few hours. My mom walked in and said "Ana I set up an appointment with the doctor tomorrow so we can see what is going on so come straight home after school." I nod and she walks out closing the door. We had to sleep early since we all have school tomorrow and the last thing I thought about before sleep consumed me was hoping that Blake would help me throughout this pregnancy and far after that.






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