Chapter 10

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I let one loose curl fall from the curling iron.

I was already done with all my makeup, I did a soft smokey eye and decided to curl my hair. I was so excited to see Artemi play, I haven't seen him play for almost a year now. I know he's a great player, but I'm scared. He's going to become so popular so fast. Girls are gonna be all over him. Good thing he doesn't speak English.

My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. I ran to get it.

"Hey! Are you ready!?" Artemi basically screamed. I could tell he was excited.

"Well, all I need is a jersey and to hairspray my hair" He threw me a jersey that said PANARIN on the back and I went to change.

"Alright I'm ready!" I came out and got some boots on.

"Are you nervous?" I asked as I zipped my boot.

"A little. There's a lot of good players. I may not be as good, but we'll just have to see." He said while opening the door. I threw my heels and dress into a bag and met Artemi at the elevator.

Once we got to the UC, there was a red carpet laid out.

"Is that what you'll be walking on?" I asked, eyeing it.

"Yup. You can wait inside as I do. It's gonna be crowded.

As time went by, I met up with Lindsey and all of the other wags.

"Linds!" I shouted as she pulled me in for a hug.

"Hey! Let me introduce you to everyone. This is Elena, she's married to Hjalmarsson. This is Chaunette, she's dating Shaw. This is Dayne, Seabrooks wife. And this is Kristy, Crawfords girlfriend!" They all waved.

"So are you dating Artemi?" Chaunette said with an evil grin.

"Noooo, we're just friends." I laughed.

"Sureeeee, for now!" Dayne smiled.

The rest of the time, we sat and talked about makeup, hockey, kids, and jobs. They were all so nice and accepting.

We all headed to our seats, which were on the 100 level. Soon, they started announcing the line ups and sang the star spangled banner. It was beyond beautiful. The bright red colors around the whole UC, the flag hanging from the ceiling, the players all lined up on the ice and bench. This was my new home.

As time went on, it was still 1-0. I could see the determination on the whole teams face. Before I knew it, I saw Artemi skating up to the goal and scoring. The crowd went crazy. All of the girls turned to me to give me high fives.

"That's you're man!" Lindsey shouted. I shot her a glare but couldn't keep a straight face.

The Hawks lost to the Rangers, and Artemi was the only one to get a goal. I rushed to the locker room to congratulate him.

"Alex!!" I heard him shout. I ran up to him and gave him a huge hug.

"You did it!!" I smiled and looked into his eyes.

"No, we did it." I could feel his muscles relax. We stood there looking into each others eyes until I backed away.

"Well, I'll see you in a bit. We're gonna go to Lindsey's and get ready. Great job tonight!" I gave him one last hug and walked to Lindsey's car.

Once we got to her house, I slipped into my dress and put my heels on. Lindsey had a maroon dress on with black heels.

"Damn we look good!" Lindsey said as we looked into the mirror.

"I'll just have to agree with you on that one" I laughed and grabbed my bag.

"Let's do this thing" Lindsey said as we walked out the door. I laughed and just went along with it.

When we arrived to the club, it was packed. Lindsey said the boys weren't there yet. We got out of the car and once we got to the entrance, we spotted the boys.

"Hey, Jonny!" Linds shouted as we hurried over by them.

"Hey you guys made it!" Crawford said with a smile.

"Yup, are the other girls here yet?" I asked.

"I'm not sure. They said they were on their way a while ago." Shaw said checking the time.

"Oh well, they'll find us. Let's go" Lindsey said and pulled us into the club.

"Hey" I heard someone say in Russian. I turned around and saw Artemi.

"Hey! You made it!" I pulled him into a hug.

"Yup" He said while handing me a drink.

"Oh thanks!" I chugged it down. We talked for a bit but then he decided to go with the rest of the guys. I walked over to Lindsey and felt the alcohol kicking in. I could tell Lindsey was already drunk.

"Let's dance!" She screeched. We both danced to the beat. Soon, I felt someone's hands on my hips, swaying me to the beat. I turned around and expected it to be Artemi, but it was Patrick.

"Hey." He grinned.

"Hi" I said. I stood there and enjoyed the moment.

Artemi's POV

As I went to look for Alex, I saw her dancing with Patrick. I felt my blood boil, but I tried to let it go. She wasn't mine, she could do whatever she wanted.

I sat back and tried to ignore them. I kept realizing how close they were getting to each other. Soon, Patrick was grinding on her. I tried my best to let it go, but I couldn't. I walked up to Alex and grabbed her hand.

"We're leaving." I said and pulled her out to the sidewalk.

"What the fuck was that for? I'm not leaving yet!" She shouted.

"We're going home! I didn't come out here to see you grinding on some other guy!" I said looking straight down, not making eye contact.

"I'm not yours, Artemi! I can do whatever I want to, whenever I want to! He wasn't doing anything wrong!" My stomach dropped. She was right, she wasn't mine. And no matter how badly I wanted her to be, she wouldn't be. We stood there in silence until she decided to speak.

"I'll find my own way home. I'll talk to you tomorrow. Bye." She walked back inside and I sat there, alone.

Alex's POV

I found Lindsey and tried to explain to her what happened.

"Obviously he's jealous! I wouldn't blame him!" She said and she twirled her straw in her drink.

"I just don't know what to do! I'm gonna head home. I'll text you later." I stood up and got my bag.

"Hey," She stopped me. "Go over to his place and talk to him about it tomorrow. It'll fix everything." She let go of my arm and smiled.

"Thanks." I smiled back and went to get a cab.

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