Chapter 16

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Artemi's POV

I woke up to the sound of my phone buzzing. It was a text from Anisimov.

Artem: Practice canceled and rescheduled for tomorrow

I took a sigh of relief. I checked the time and it was only 8:16 AM. Surprisingly, I wasn't tired. Alex was still asleep so I decided to take a quick shower. I quietly grabbed some fresh clothes and went to the bathroom.

A little bit after I got out of the shower, I heard a soft knock on the door. The door opened and I saw a tired Alex.

"Morning" She smiled as she came up beside me. She wiped the fog off of the mirror and looked at her reflection.

"Can I shower here?" She asked, still looking into the mirror.

"Sure, if I can join" I joked.

"Sorry, but you already took one. Maybe next time" She grinned and pushed me out of the bathroom. As I heard the water start running, I noticed I was still in a towel.

"Alex! I wasn't done!" I shouted.

"What do you need?"

"My clothes! I won't look I promise" I grabbed the doorknob waiting for a response.

"Okay, but you have to promise not to look!" I smiled at her response and opened the door. I put my hand up against the side of my face blocking the shower and grabbed my clothes. I heard Alex laugh and I walked out rolling my eyes.

Once I was done getting dressed, I heard the water in the bathroom turn off. I walked out of the bedroom leaving Alex some privacy. I went downstairs to grab some fruit bowls from the store down the street.

When I walked back into the condo, I saw Alex sitting down on her phone.

"Hey I grabbed some fruit for us" I smiled and set it down on the table.

"Thanks! So what are the plans for today?" She questioned as she sat down across from me.

"Well, I was thinking maybe we could go down to Maggie Daley Park. They have some cool things down there"

"Sounds like a plan!" She said as she took a bite of fruit. We continued to eat as we looked at pictures of Maggie Daley & planned out what we were gonna do down there.

"I am not going on those slides! Do you see how big they are!!" She pointed to the screen and gave me a frightened look.

"Oh come on! We can go down together!" I said trying to change her mind.

"I'm not sure, I think I'll just stick with ice skating" She said as she went to go throw the rest of her fruit out.

"Whatever, let's go!" I said, knowing I would change her mind later.

We stopped off at Alex's place to have her change and walked to the park. Alex had some skates from Russia and I had my hockey skates.

"Tie them?" She lifted her foot up and put in on my knee. I smiled and completed her request. As soon as we were ready, we headed onto the ice. I watched Alex's hair flow in the wind and admired the smile on her face. I grabbed her hand and skated beside her. We kept skating around and all I kept thinking about how happy I was with her. I must of had a crazy look on my face because she soon caught me.

"What are you thinking about?" She looked up at me and our eyes met.

"Nothing.." I looked away and felt my face getting red.

"Noooo tell me!" She let go of my hand and skated to the rail.

"It's really nothing!" I tried to convince her as I followed behind her.

"Pleeeease!" She gave me puppy dog eyes. Oh no, she knows I can't resist.

"Fine, I'm just thinking about how much I like you." I said looking down a little embarrassed. Before I knew it, she pulled me in for a kiss. Instant fireworks.

"I like you Artemi." I felt butterflies form in my stomach.

"I like you Alex." I kissed her lips once more and we skated off the ice.

After we got our skates off, we walked down to the park. As we walked, I tried my best to convince Alex into going on the slide.

"How about this. You can sit on my lap as we go down. You can close your eyes and I'll hold onto you." I tried to think of things that would convince her.

"Alright, fine. But you can't let go!" She laughed. If took forever to climb up to the slide, but we made it.

"Ready?" I questioned as Alex was in my lap. She nodded and I pushed us down. I wrapped my arms around Alex as she screamed. All I could do was laugh.

"How was that?" I asked as I was still trying to catch my breath from laughing.

"Let's do it again!" She ran to the ladder like a little kid.

"You're going down by yourself! I can't climb up there anymore or else my arms are gonna fall of!" I assured her.

"Mkay!" She continued to climb. I went to sit on a bench in front of the slide. A few seconds later, I heard Alex screaming. I continued to laugh harder than I did the first time. When she got down, she hopped up and ran over to me. The rest of the time we went on the swings and got dirty looks from some parents but we didn't care.

"Thanks for taking me here. I'm glad you talked me into it." She said softly as we walked home.

"Not a problem. I had a lot of fun." I grabbed her hand and locked our fingers together. I dropped her off at her place, kissed her goodbye, and walked back to my place. I couldn't get her off of my mind.

After I arrived at my place, I decided to call Anisimov and ask him if we could meet up later tonight. About an hour later, I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in" I yelled. I looked over and saw Anisimov walk in.

"Hey! How was your day with Alex?" He asked as he sat next to me on the couch.

"It was great, we had a lot of fun." I smiled and looked down in my lap, thinking about the butterflies she made form in my stomach. "She makes me feel something that I've never felt before with any girl."

"Love." He said like it was nothing.

"What?" I was super confused.

"You're in love." He continued to have no emotion.

"and how do you know that?" I raised my eyebrow.

"If someone was aiming a gun at her, would you jump in front of her, even if she broke your heart over a million times?" He asked and finally looked at me.


"That's love."

Authors note:
Sorta feel like this story is flopping, but I really hope you guys are enjoying it! Be sure to tell me what you think of it or if you have any requests!

Forever & Always ; An Artemi Panarin Fanfiction Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin