Chapter 23

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Alex's POV

"Did you get the new schedule?" Megan asked immediately as I walked in.

"No, not yet. No one ever sent it. Why?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Well, you don't have work today. You have work tomorrow." She smirked. I was a bit relieved I didn't have to work. Artemi had a game tonight and I was still jet lagged.

"Alright well just email me the schedule. I'll see you tomorrow" I spoke quickly so I could go back home and rest. I felt my eyelids getting heavier as I walked home. When I walked through the door, I fell onto my bed and went straight to sleep.

Artemi's POV

I dragged my feet as I walked to the locker room with my bag over my shoulder.

"Lookin a little tired there, eh?" Seabrook chirped as I sat down. I was able to understand, just not able to answer. So, I shrugged.

"Were you up with Alex last night?" Patrick whispered and added a wink. I shook my head.

"Jet lag" I yawned. He nodded and got back to tying his skates. I took a few sips of Gatorade and sprayed my face with cold water before heading into the ice for practice. After a few laps, I was sorta awake, but not quite.

As practice went on, the boys chirped and teased me. Not knowing how to respond, I shook it off and tried to focus on hockey. I could understand most of the stuff they were saying, but not all.

When I got off the ice, Anisimov followed and tried to catch up with me.

"What happened last night with Alex?" He said in a serious tone.

"What? She was at her place all night?" I felt myself getting a bit red in the face. "Who said that?"

"Kane said you slept with her last night, maybe as a joke, but some of the boys thought he was serious." I laughed a little at how stupid they could be. I quickly packed my things and headed out before the rest of the boys got off the ice.

When I got home, my suitcase was still fully packed. When I opened it, I saw the small box Alexa gave me in Russia. I took it out and admired it for a little. I looked at the gems inside and at the details on the letters. Even though it was small, it still had a lot of meaning. I placed it on my nightstand including a picture of Alex and I that we took in Russia. I felt a smile form on my face as I looked at the picture.

As I unpacked, I kept thinking about what the boys were saying at practice. No, Alex and I didn't do anything the other night. Even though I wouldn't mind it, I don't know how she feels about it. I'm in love with her, there's no doubt. But it wouldn't just be "sleeping with her" I don't wanna call it that. It's not the easiest thing to explain, but whenever she's ready, I'm ready. I just don't know how to tell her.

When I finished packing, I heard my phone ring. Alex was calling.

"Hello?" I heard her raspy voice.

"Hey, were you sleeping?" I smiled.

"Maybe... I was wondering if you wanted me to drive you to the game tonight?" She asked quietly.

"That'd be great! Be here by 5?"

"Sure thing, love you" I felt my heart flutter.

"Love you too, see you soon" I hung up and laid back on my bed. How does she do this to me.

Alex's POV

I drove over to Artemi's in some leggings and a jersey. When I drove up to the entrance, he looked nearly dead. But when he realized I was here, his eyes lit up. I smiled as he got in the car.

"Have you had any caffeine today?" I asked while he got in.

"Yeah I just had some. I'm waiting for it to kick in. How's your sleeping schedule been?"

"Not the best, but it's getting there" I laughed. When we got into the UC, I spotted Lindsey and ran up to her, enveloping her into a hug.

"Al you're back!!" She screeched.

"I am! Ready for more shopping trips?" I giggled.

"As long as you're going to try stuff on with me this time, then yes" She laughed as we walked to our seats. I spotted the other wags as they got up to give me quick hugs welcoming me back.

"How's everyone been?" I asked while sitting down next to Lindsey.

"Tired and wanna go back on vacation" Elena moaned.

"I agree" Kristy said. We continued to talk about girly stuff and shopping. If it weren't for these girls, I would probably be lost in this city.

About 30 minutes later, the horn went off and the boys came circling around. As Artemi went by, he winked which sent shivers down my spine. Lindsey must have seen it because she nudged me right after. I looked at her and grinned, then got back to watching Artemi. I definitely noticed that the caffeine kicked in from how fast his actions were. When warmups were over, Artemi gave me one more little wink and got off the ice. I smiled back at him and went to go find my seat with Lindsey.

The boys won 2-1, goals by Kane and Hossa. When Artemi got in the car, he was all smiley.

"What are you all happy about?" I smirked.

"Eh, just happy we won and that you were there to see it" He sighed. I decided to stop by all the fans as we drove out of the UC so Artemi could sign a few autographs. His English seemed to be pretty good from how I heard him talk to them.

"How's your English going?" I asked in English, seeing if he would understand.

"Good" He said with a think accent.

"Tell me something in English" I spoke in English again.

"You are beautiful a-and I love you" I smiled at how he spoke and what he said.

"I love you too" I said, this time in Russian. I dropped Artemi off at his building, giving him a quick kiss before he left. As I drove home, I was in a great mood. Sleepy, but happy.

Authors note:
So since I know a lot of people like smut, I'm going to be adding it to this story occasionally. Hopefully you guys like it! Dont forget to vote and comment. Much love!

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