Chapter 19

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Alex's POV

"So, what are you guys doing for Christmas?" Kristy asked as we all sat down, watching the boys practice.

"Well, Jon and I are going out to my parents house for a few days then his family is coming down here, nothing too special" Lindsey explained while taking a sip of her coffee.

"What about you Alex?" Kristy questioned as we made eye contact.

"Artemi and I are gonna spend some alone time together back in Russia. I'm pretty excited to go back" I told them as I looked back at the rink and watched Artemi skate around.

"Are you still helping him with his English?" Lindsey asked with a small grin.

"Yeah, a little. There's not a lot of time we can practice, but he's getting better" A smile crept onto my face.

"Well teach him faster! We wanna start talking to him!" I laughed and shrugged it off. We waited for the boys to finish practice as we talked about clothes, our jobs, and hockey.

I walked down the hallway with Linds and Kristy and waited for Artemi. Luckily, he was the first one out.

"Hey Al," He said as his arm snaked around my waist, "ready?"

I nodded and waved to Kristy and Lindsey. "So how was practice?" I asked.

"It went well. I couldn't understand a whole lot, but it was fun" He smiled while he opened the car door for me. We got in and decided to go home and plan out our trip to Russia. We're leaving next week and I haven't even started packing.

"I found an awesome hotel we can stay at. We can meet up with a few of the guys, it's right by them!" Artemi jumped with excitement as he showed me the website.

"Sounds good to me, but you might wanna start packing soon" I said, pointing to his empty suitcase.

"Okay okay okay, just let me get a room!" I laughed at how excited he was as I continued to fold my clothes and place them in my suitcase.

I looked beside me and saw Artemi coming out of his room holding a pile of clothes and a bunch of Hawks jerseys.

"Who are you giving those to?" I asked. I didn't even know he had those!

"Just a few of the guys. I thought it would be a nice gift" He said with the cheesiest smile. I finished packing as Artemi was just starting.

"Need a little help?" I questioned, watching him quietly fold all of his clothes.

"No, I'm alright. I'm just thinking." He said with a serious look on his face.

"About what?" I raised an eyebrow feeling a little confused.

"About the trip. I can't wait. It's not for another few days and I still have another game before then. I wanna go back to Russia and see everyone and especially spend time with you" He explained while looking down at his suitcase. I sat down on the floor right next to him and placed my hand on his.

"It's going to be here before you know it. Right now, let's finish what we have to do," I kissed his cheek. "Maybe later we can go out and get a quick bite to eat" I suggested, trying my best to comfort him. I saw his face brighten up a little as he nodded and continued packing.


"Let's go get something to eat, I'm starving" Artemi groaned while walking into the living room.

"Are you done packing?" I asked as I got up off the couch.

"Yup, packed everything I had to" He assured me.

We walked down to a little cafe down by the park called Rōm. They had stuff like gelato, cookies, small sandwiches, and coffee. We both ordered a small lemon gelato and took a seat.

After we sat down, I caught Artemi staring at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing. You're just beautiful." He spoke, still staring. I felt myself blushing. He leaned in and our lips lightly touched. I felt my face get even hotter.

"So when's your next game?" I said, trying to start up a conversation.

"Tomorrow night, you're going right?" He questioned while swirling his spoon. I nodded and watched a smile appear on his face.

After finishing up, we decided to go home and watch the Canucks vs Blues game. Since Artemi's friends with Tarasenko, he was rooting for the Blues.

Once we turned the game on, the blues were already up 1-0. Artemi sat down to watch the game as I grabbed a blanket.

Artemi patted the space next to him, motioning me over. I curled up into his chest and laid the blanket over us.

"I love you Alex." Artemi said while rubbing my back.

"I love you too" I said as I felt him kiss my head. I smiled to myself and got back to watching the game.

Authors Note:
Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been updating as much. It's been hard coming up with ideas. But congratulations to Artemi on winning the Calder Trophy and to Kane for winning 3 awards! Anyways, I do hope you guys are enjoying this story. If you are, be sure to vote and comment! Thank you guys!! I'll be updating as soon as possible! Much love:)

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