The King and an Invasion of Privacy

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(a/n: Chapter Three as promised!! I'm amazed I was able to get it out today, tbh.) 

The ride into the city was quiet and Aurora bit her lip in worry. She honestly felt like a freak as they rode up. Everyone was staring at the strange woman riding with Ser Jaime. Everyone! Aurora had never felt more vulnerable as she did in that moment, but Ser Jaime rode on. After riding for what seemed like hours, but was probably only minutes, Ser Jaime spoke, "We are approaching the Red Keep. I will take you directly to King Robert." Aurora nodded, unable to unglue her tongue from the roof of her dry mouth. What was the king going to be like?

Aurora shook her head at her foolishness. She was still convinced she was dreaming. She had to be! Right? Either that or she had a break from reality caused by studying so much. Maybe Cassandra was right whenever she told Aurora that studying all the time wouldn't be good. As the horse rode through the gates of what Ser Jaime had called the Red Keep, Aurora was leaning more toward the latter. Maybe she was crazy. Aurora's thoughts were interrupted when she felt the horse stop and Ser Jaime dismounted, beckoning her to do the same.

Aurora slid from the saddle, clutching her bag strap to her as if her life depended on it. She tried to keep her gaze focused in front of her as Ser Jaime lead her through the doors and down long corridors, but she could still feel everyone's eyes on her. It was taking everything in her not to have a panic attack. Sooner than expected, they approached two large doors with guards on either side. The guards hesitated a brief second when the saw the red-headed woman beside Ser Jaime, but opened the doors quickly when Ser Jaime cleared his throat.

Aurora's green eyes darted all around before they landed on the throne in the center of the vast, ornate room. She gasped quietly when she saw the throne was made of swords. Ser Jaime ushered her forward, never once leaving her side. "What is the meaning of this?" The rotund man sitting on the throne barked out. His eyes were dark, but had a hint of mischief and his nose poked out above a full beard. His face was red as if he'd been exercising.

Ser Jaime grabbed Aurora's arm and hurried forward, pulling the young woman with him. "Easy," she whispered harshly, earning a glare from the man. "What in Seven Hells is going on?" the king barked again. Ser Jaime bowed and replied, "Your Grace, we found this young woman in the Kingswood. She seems disturbed...I thought it best to bring her to you. " The king directed his hard gaze at Aurora who did her best not to cringe away. Before the king could say anything, the doors burst open again. Aurora looked over her shoulder and saw a regal woman with long blonde hair walking up to the throne, a young boy beside her and a man the size of a barge following close behind.

Aurora's eyes followed the trio up to where the king was sitting. The woman and the boy were lovely to look at, but Aurora found her eyes drifting to the larger man. His gaze was already on her, his eyes narrowed as if he were daring Aurora to say anything. She studied his face. It was heavily scarred on one side. Aurora's attention was drawn back to the king when he spoke. "Well?! Why were you found trespassing in the Kingswood?!" It seemed he found it impossible to speak without barking.

Aurora opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out at first. She took a breath and tried again, "I didn't know where I was. In fact, I still don't. As far as I'm concerned, I'm in the middle of freakin' nightmare! One minute I was standing a damn book shop and the next, I find myself in the middle of a forest and then I get attacked by a group of men who looked at me as if I was their first meal in a year! They're lucky I only blacked their eyes!"

The longer she spoke, the louder her voice got and when she finished, Aurora crossed her arms over her chest. The king's face was a mask of shock at first and Aurora began to worry. Had she just doomed herself? Then, without warning, the chubby man began laughing. His robust laughter bounced around the grand room. "You blacked their eyes? A little thing like you?" He laughed again. Aurora bit her bottom lip to keep from smiling.

"It is true, Your Grace. They told me," Ser Jaime vouched. Aurora shifted the bag on her shoulder, drawing the king's attention. "Ser Jaime? The satchel," he ordered. Ser Jaime went to grab the bag and Aurora glared at him. "You best watch where you put those hands of yours, buddy," she warned before pulling off the bag and handing it to him. She bit back another laugh as Jaime nearly dropped the bag. The king seemed to enjoy laughter as he let out another round upon seeing the knight's near struggle.

Ser Jaime opened the bag and a look of confusion crossed his near perfect features. He reached in a pulled out a textbook and then another and then another. "Seven Hells, girl! Why the fuck are you carrying all those books around?!" Aurora let out a sigh. "I'm a student. Those are a few of my school books." Ser Jaime continued to dig through the contents of Aurora's bag. For a moment, Aurora simply stood there, but then Ser Jaime pulled out an item from the bag and Aurora felt her cheeks heat up.

The knight cocked his head to the side in confusion, as did everyone else in the room. Aurora was certain her face was the shade of a ripe tomato. "What is this?" Ser Jaime asked, holding up the green, lace bra. Aurora looked at him in surprise. He didn't know? He couldn't tell by looking at the shape? "It's, uh, my bra." They all looked confused by the word so she tried again. "My brassiere?" Still nothing. Aurora groaned and exclaimed, "It holds my tits up!"

In his surprise at her outburst, Ser Jaime threw the bra, sending it flying right toward the man with the scarred face who caught it with ease. "Really? Those things aren't cheap!" Aurora looked at the man and asked, "Do you mind?" She held her hand out. The man brought the article of clothing back down to her and she smiled up at him. "Thank you." She turned to Ser Jaime. "I would appreciate it if you would stop flashing my underwear to the whole world."

Object after object, Ser Jaime pulled out of Aurora's bag until he got down to the last two items. "That's where those were! I thought I lost them," Aurora said. "Are they dangerous?" the king asked. Aurora looked back to Ser Jaime as he was pressing in the mechanism of the first item. "THAT IS!" Too late. 

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