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Aurora leaned into Sandor as she felt her eyes getting heavy. So much had happened in such a short amount of time and her body wasn't adjusting well. One thing she didn't worry about was how to get home. She rarely though of home anymore. She didn't know if she'd ever get back and now, there was Sandor. Aurora wasn't sure she wanted to go back. When she did let herself think about it, her thoughts wandered to her father, stepmother, and her brother. How were they doing? Had they even realized she was missing? Did they think she'd run away? Or maybe they thought she was dead.

"Yer thinkin' again," Sandor's voice made Aurora open her eyes and glance up at him as best she could. "What is it this time?" Aurora sighed and shook her head. How could she put the thoughts into words? She didn't think he'd understand. "I don't how to say it," she admitted, "I think I'm just tired. I'd kill for some coffee." Sandor's brows furrowed in confusion, making Aurora laugh. "Never mind."

A little while later, Sandor stopped Stranger so the two of them could get down and stretch their legs. Sandor wandered away to find some firewood and Aurora, feeling a little nostalgic, decided to see if her phone was in her bag. She'd turned it off when she got to Westeros since it didn't have service, but she didn't need cell service to look at her photos. Maybe it would help her feel better.

The young woman's lips upturned into a smile when she found her phone buried in the bottom of her bag. She said a quick prayer of thanks that Sandor had left her books behind and they hadn't smashed her phone. Holding her breath, Aurora pressed the power button and almost cheered when the phone actually lit up with life. The battery said it had about twenty percent. More than enough to look through her pictures for a few minutes.

The first picture Aurora came across was one of her and Cassandra. Aurora pulled her hair over her shoulder, missing the purple tips that had faded away as she sat in the dungeon. Aurora continued flipping through the photos, not realizing just how badly they were affecting her. The one that got her the most was a selfie she had taken with her brother. It was the last time she'd seen him. They were in their favorite bakery. Aurora felt her heart clench with sorrow. She really missed him.

"Yer cryin'." Aurora looked up from her phone in surprise. She hadn't even noticed that there were tears rolling down her face. "What is that?" he asked, gesturing to her phone. When he found it in her old room in the Keep, Sandor hadn't taken time to look at it. He simply threw it in the back in case she needed it. "It's my phone. In my world, we use it to talk to people we aren't with. It can also take pictures and be used as a calculator or a flashlight. I can even read on it." Sandor just stared at her and she giggled.

"Sorry. I was just looking at some old pictures. Thought they would help me miss my family less. Guess it didn't work." Sandor put the wood down and then came and sat next to her. He gazed at the screen and saw the last thing she'd been looking at. He recognized her and decided that a picture was a bit like a painted portrait. "Who's that?" Aurora answered softly that it was her brother. Sandor took her phone and put it back in her bag. He wasn't going to let her do this to herself.

She looked up at him, fresh tears forming in her eyes. "I was forgetting what they look like, Sandor. It's terrible." Sandor, for all his boasting and all the rumors of his heartless nature, could not stand to see this woman cry. "Ya may forget their faces, but ya won't forget who they are," was all he said. Aurora sniffed and smiled at him. "Thanks." Sandor grunted in response, making her roll her eyes.

He got up to start the fire and Aurora watched him. Even through the armor, she could see every movement of his muscles. She still hadn't forgotten the dream and the very thought made her face heat up as she stared. She couldn't help it. She hadn't actually seen him without the armor yet and her curiosity was piqued. Deep down, she knew exactly what she wanted. The dream was proof. Aurora bit her lip as the visions of her dream flashed in her mind. It took her a minute to realize that Sandor was looking at her.

Aurora felt like her face was on fire, but she chuckled any way. He came back over to her and crouched down. "I ain't gonna bed ya out here, woman. Someone like ya deserves better. I'll find ya somewhere safe first." Aurora smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck. She pressed her mouth to his in a short kiss. Any longer and she knew she would lose every ounce of control over the passion coursing through her veins. His lust blown eyes told her that he felt the same way.

Sandorwanted her, there was no doubt in his mind but he wasn't about to do that toher. He wasn't going to lay with her out in the wilderness, no matter how muchhe wanted her. Luckily, his self control would become much stronger in the nextday. And it would come in the form of one Arya Stark. 

(a/n: I am SO sorry it took me so long to update!! I've been struggling to find inspiration to write anything for pleasure since I started my creative writing class.)    

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