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Aurora had no idea how long she'd been in the dungeon. All she did know was that she was Joffrey's favorite toy. He would bring her up from her cell to humiliate or hurt her. She had bruises of varying colors all over her skin and even some cuts. After his punishments were over, Joffrey would order Aurora back to her cell until the next time he wanted to be entertained. Days began to blur together and Aurora couldn't help but wish she was back home.

Finally, one night, it happened. Freedom. Aurora had been sleeping fitfully when a loud noise woke her. She peered out of the bars on the window of the cell and saw the green fire on the bay. She had no idea what was going on, but she knew it couldn't be good. She could hear the sounds of metal striking metal and the screaming outside. She could smell the fire and then the rain that began to fall. Part of her wondered what would happen if Joffrey's army lost. Would she be freed or would she face a worse fate?

Aurora sat listening to the battle raging on outside when the door of her cell suddenly opened. Fear shot through her until she saw that it was Sandor's hulking form in the doorway. "Come on, little dove. We're leavin'," he told her, roughly. She knew he wasn't giving her a choice, and in truth, she was glad he hadn't. He had been the one constant in her life since she'd been thrown in the cell.

Sandor didn't wait a moment after he saw Aurora getting up. He turned on his heel, knowing she would follow. "What about Sansa?" she asked him quietly causing him to stop for a brief moment. She was still determined to keep her promise to be there for the Stark girls. Sandor nodded once and resumed his trek, only this time, heading for Sansa's chambers rather than outside. The two didn't have to wait long before Sansa entered her chambers. It took her a moment to realize they were there and when she had, Aurora had to stop her from screaming.

"We're leaving, Sansa. Come with us," Aurora pleaded with the young teen. Sansa's gaze flicked between Aurora and Sandor for a moment before she shook her head. "I am safe here. I will not leave. I am to marry the king." Aurora's face fell because she knew that Sansa was serious. Sandor tried to talk to her for a moment, but the girl refused to budge. "Be safe, Sansa," Aurora whispered, kissing the child's forehead before following after Sandor yet again.

"Can ya ride a horse?" Sandor asked as he carefully lead Aurora through the corridors of the Red Keep, trying not to draw attention to them. Aurora shook her head. "No. The only time I've been on a horse was when Ser Jaime brought me into the city." Sandor bit back a groan. This was going to be more difficult than he thought. He mumbled something Aurora couldn't hear, but lead her to the stables anyway.

Stranger was already there and saddled, waiting for them. As soon as they were next to the horse, Sandor placed his hands on Aurora's waist and hoisted her up into the saddle. In her surprise, Aurora nearly fell off, but she managed to maintain her balance on Stranger as Sandor adjusted the bags. One was his and the other Aurora recognized as her own. "You've been planning on leaving for a while now," she stated and Sandor grunted in response as he climbed up behind her.

Sandor urged the horse forward. He wanted to get out of King's Landing as quickly as possible. Aurora felt her stomach lurch as the horse moved suddenly. She probably would have fallen off if not for Sandor's strong arms caging her in. Sandor stared straight ahead as he urged Stranger to move faster. When they were finally out of the city, Sandor stopped to look down at the city behind them. The battle could still be heard and Aurora prayed Sansa would be alright. Now, they had to figure out where to go from here. 

(a/n: Two updates in two days! Whoo hoo! Sorry lol. Things are going to start moving along a bit quicker now.) 

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