2. Look Who's Jealous Now.

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"Ehh... No."

"How about Fergie?"

"Ave, what the hell?"

"Yea I agree... That one was bad..."

"Maybe Boo?"

"Ryder, that's just as bad as Fergie."

"Why don't we name him Munchkin?" He suggests. We are laying on our stomachs on the floor in the living room, looking at the kitten sitting in front of us. We both tilt our heads to the side, and at the same time the kitten does too. He tilts his head too far though and ends up tipping over.

I chuckle. "Munchkin's cute."

Munchkin yawns and rolls over, staring at us with his big blue eyes. I watch as Ryder gently pokes his nose. Frankly, it was hard choosing which of the two was cuter.

"We start school tomorrow, right?" I ask, looking over at Ryder.

"Yeah, Ave."

"Ugh. I don't want to go." I whine, grabbing Munchkin and cuddling with him.

Ryder chuckles. "Well we have to go, babe."

"Maybe I could stay home and spend my day with Munchy. You could go and give me all your notes." I suggest, petting Munchkin.

"I'm starting to hate that cat." Ryder mutters, staring at the kitten in jealousy.

      Munchkin purrs, and nuzzles his head in my neck.  Ryder just rolls his eyes and gets up, walking over to the kitchen.

"Babe, where are you going?" I ask, sitting up and taking Munch with me to the couch.

"I got Munchkin a welcoming gift." Ryder says, walking over and sitting next to me. He takes my hand and places a pretty black collar in it.

"Awe Ryder, this is amazing. Why don't you put it on him?" I suggest, picking Munchkin off my lap and handing him to Ryder.

      Ryder gently takes Munchkin and lays him on his lap. He then proceeds to place the collar around his neck, making sure to be gentle. Munchkin purrs and curls himself in a little ball on Ryder's lap.

"Traitor..." I mutter.

"Look who's jealous now." Ryder teases, petting Munch.

"Oh shush." I joke, leaning into Ryder's side as he wraps his arm around me. I sign in content. I liked this, it was like a little family.


"Ave, wake up!! It's our first day of school!" A voice shouts from the other side of my bedroom door.

"No... Five more minutes." I groan, shoving my face into my pillow. My door flies open and I hear footsteps walk over to my bed. The bed dips and I feel breath fan down my neck as light kisses are being trailed down my jaw and onto my mouth. Instinctively, I kiss back, fully awake now. Right when I kiss back, Ryder pulls away, making me whimper.

"Fine, I'll get up." I groan, rolling out of my bed. I hear Ryder laugh as he walks out of my room to make breakfast.

      Rummaging through my closet, I pray that today won't be too bad. I'm going to be fine as long as Ryder will be with me the whole time. Well, we don't have all of our classes together since I'm majoring in teaching and he's majoring in business. His family wants him to take over the Slade company, so he needs to know how to work his job. After rummaging through my things, I pick out an outfit.

Her Prince (A Sequel to "His Princess")Where stories live. Discover now