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"As you all should hopefully remember from last week's lecture, the vertebrae of the body are irregular bones," lectured the professor as he paced back and forth.

Jenna set across the lab table from where I was. With her bright red hair and freckles, she was the exact definition of America's sweetheart. For the little that I've known her, we really seemed to make a connection. Though she was barely eighteen and I was now twenty years old, she had a very high maturity level for her age which seemed to help us get along just fine.

Her green eyes scanned my expression and she couldn't help but let out a silent chuckle as I rolled my eyes at the professor.

"Now I would like you to please turn to page 54 in your lab manuals and color and label the models through page 59. We'll talk again in about thirty minutes," said the professor.

"This is so horrible. This class requires more coloring than I did in all of high school," Jenna commented as she leaned her cheek in her hand, her glossed lips shining in the artificial light.

"It could be worse. At least we don't have to write essays."

"True that," she agreed, a smile pushing up her full cheeks. As she opened up her lab book, she stole a quick glance across the room. A boy with onyx colored hair happened to catch her and shot her a little wave.

Shyly waving back, her porcelain skin turned to a shade of bright red.

With widened eyes, I giggled at her. "He waved at you. Is that a good sign?"

"Well after class last week, we actually sat down to chat."

"Wait, what? You finally broke the ice with Devin?"

"Shhhh Laney." Nodding, she sheepishly smiled. "Yeah, I found him in the lounge area studying so I introduced myself as the 'redhead that sits across the room in Anatomy and Physiology'."

Shooting her a smile, she returned the gesture. "Good for you! You definitely have more balls than I do."

"Well thanks Lane," she said as she nervously toyed with her mechanical pencil. As her green eyes peered back up on me, she smiled. "So any lucky guy in your life right now?"

As I laughed, I nearly choked on my spit. Looking a bit startled, she awkwardly smiled.

After catching my breath, I spoke up. "Girl, no."

"Why? Just too busy?" She questioned, slightly tilting her head to the side.

"Yeah," I replied as I started coloring. "You know the drill. Summer classes, work, studying, and then barely getting time to sleep. I've never been good at this kind of stuff anyway," I grumbled.

"Well he's kind of cute," she said quietly as she nodded toward a dirty-blonde guy. He had a tan and there was no doubt that he was gorgeous, but the thought of even approaching him made me start to sweat.

"Cute doesn't do him justice. He's hot," I replied.

"Then go for the hunt Laney! You are an independent, strong, beautiful woman who definitely needs to treat herself to a hot man!" She giggled as she colored her lab paper.

"I don't have time, remember?" I reminded her, questioningly raising an eyebrow.

" Well then maybe you have time for a girl's night out? A movie?"

" I'm only in if it's Suicide Squad."

"Aw man, I definitely wanted to watch Super Puppy Power Part Two!" She said rolling her eyes. "Of course we'll go see Suicide Squad. But definitely not because I have this downlow crush on The Joker or anything," she said as she giggled.

"Of course not," I said as I rolled my eyes.

"Jenna, Laney. Less chatting and more working please," scolded the professor as he eyed us.

As I sighed, I figured today was going to be a very long day.

© Lightning_Stryker 2016

Thoughts on Jenna anyone?

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