✶Stay Strong✶

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Dreamland was a far off place that seemed awfully wonderful. After experiencing such a humiliating event today, the only thing I really could do was sleep it off. How do you explain why you were holding a thong to your crush? The question itself was a recipe for awkward.

Tossing and turning in my bed, I finally gave up and stared at the ceiling. Anxiety seemed to get the best of me.

How was I to face Peter again in the next few days? The whole subject of him just seemed to be touchy and I felt as though I couldn't bear to be around him for much longer. Dropping my summer classes seemed to the best option here. Besides, he'd only be here for a month and then be on his way again. Poor Thomas, I wonder if he was even informed of this.

Tap tap tap.

Glancing at my window, my heart nearly dropped into my stomach. Goodness, this crush is so bad. I'm hallucinating now. How desparate of a person am I? Goodness, I never thought I would go so low. Get a grip of yourself girl.

Tap tap tap.

That was it. I had to pull my window shade down. Groggily walking to the window, my stomach contorted into a nervous knot. Standing on my lawn was Peter, throwing tiny pebbles at my window.

Angrily pulling the window shade down, I proceeded back to my bed. Letting out an angry huff, I pulled the covers back over myself. Of course there was a few knocks on the window, which I ignored.

"Laney, open up," demanded a muffled voice.

As much as I didn't want to deal with him at the moment, part of me was curious to find out what he wanted. Pulling the shades up, he smiled like a little kid.

I hate him so much.

Opening the window, he crawled in and took a seat on the side of my bed.

Sassily crossing my arms over my chest, I glared at him. "Um, what do you want and why are you on my bed?"

Mimicking my sass, he crossed his arms over my chest. "I want to chat and because my legs are tired of standing."

"Well there's plenty of floor. Help yourself," I said, motioning for him to get off. Glaring at me, he got off and sat cross-legged on my floor.

"What's up buddy?" He asked, a twinkle lighting up his emerald eyes.


Nodding, he innocently replied. "Yeah."

"Well I'm definitely not up. You have a tendency at bothering people at three o'clock in the morning."

"Well Thomas fell asleep and I got bored."

"Peter, can we not do this?" I asked, snuggling myself under a blanket.

"Do what?"

"This. Pretending like we can be friends when you're just going to leave again."

Sighing, he put a hand through his hair. " I knew this would come up."

"Well what did you expect? Everything to be butterflies and rainbows?"
"What happened to that fun-loving Laney I once knew?"

Swiftly sitting up in my bed, emotions welled up in my chest. Tears brimmed my eyes as I took in the beautiful boy's silhouette. He was absolutely perfect and at this very moment, I just wanted to drown in his world, in his beauty, and to hold him close.

"You want to know what happened to her Peter?" I hissed. "She grew up. She realized that not everyone who says she's going to be there for her will be."

Taking in his shocked and almost hurt expression, a pang of guilt formed in my stomach.

"I never meant to-" he started.

"Save it. I know," I said as I stared out the window. As the moonlight glared on my face, tears trickled their way down my face.

"The pain never goes away. The emptiness," I said, wiping away my tears. Taking a seat beside me, his green eyes looked deeply into mine. It took all of my self-control to stop myself from kissing him at this exact moment. The temptation was so real that I felt goosebumps form on my skin. Breaking the eye contact, I sighed. Self-control Laney, self-control.

"I'm sorry," he whispered. "I never meant to-" And there he went again, losing his words. Perhaps he felt as confused as I did. Afterall, he was talking to the most emotionally unstable girl right here.

"I never meant to hurt you," he whispered as he clasped his hands on his lap. "I was just scared to tell you that I had to leave. I never meant to leave you stranded here like this. I hope I can make it up to you sometime."

He looked at his necklace that was still wrapped around my neck. "But something tells me that you knew I'd come back."

Chuckling through my tears, he wrapped his strong arms around my torso and held me for a long time. Like a tidal wave, sleep instantaneously took over my body. As Peter tucked me in, he took a glance and flashed me a loving smile.

Lovingly caressing my face, he whispered. "Stay strong Laney."

And like a gust of wind, he was gone. Never had I slept so peacefully in my life.

© Lightning_Stryker 2016

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