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 "You're kidding me right?" Asked Jenna as she released a laugh in both of our faces.

"No," replied Thomas, crossing his skinny arms over his chest.

"Why would you doubt us Jenna?" I asked, cocking an eyebrow at her.

"I'm not doubting you guys.....," She trailed off as she pondered. "It just doesn't sound very likely that this is even real. The only reason that I slightly believe what you're saying is because both you and Thomas are acting so serious. Other than that...nope," She said as her plump lips popped on the pronunciation of the P.

"Look, we both understand where you're coming from," I said. "I felt the exact same way when he first told me. It all sounded like some sort of make believe story, like some sort of dream. But I promise you that I'm telling the truth. Peter Pan is real and he is Peter Pan."

"Uh, Laney?" Spoke Thomas as he looked outside of the large, translucent window before us. "We've got trouble."

Dashing a few feet over to his position, Jenna swiftly followed behind me.

On the level below us, Belle was in the parking lot arguing with Peter.

"Nope, nope, nope. I don't know who she is, but I'm putting her in check," I said as I dashed off. Swift footsteps could be heard behind me as I walked down the staircase and out of the door.

Running over to the parking lot, Peter and Belle were obviously in the middle of an altercation.

"You had a duty Peter. It's your responsibility to take care of others. How dare you be so selfish?"

"I already told you Belle-"

Crossing my arms over my chest, I stared down the blonde beauty. " I don't know who you think you are, but you need to get out of his business."

"Excuse me," she said, fire blazing in her deep blue eyes. "I don't know who in the world you think you are but this is an A and B conversation so doll, you better-"

"Listen here," I said inching close to her. "Don't talk to him like that. Matter of fact, don't talk to him at all. Go. Now."

"No, no, no," she said, shaking her head. "You're not understanding mortal. I'm his best friend and I've been his best friend since practically my birth. So you need to go back and do whatever you're good at doing and-"

"Belle-" Peter intervened.

"Is this her? The average girl that supposedly has 'your heart'?"

A light blush took over his face.

"Wow, this is pathetic," she said as she looked my body up and down. And suddenly I felt embarrassed. I was nowhere near as beautiful as she. Her blonde hair curled and bounced so perfectly while my straight black hair fell blandly over my shoulders. Her full lips and cheeks illuminated her beauty while mine were just small and average. Her tiny waist accentuated her womanly features while I had features to spare.

She was the exact definition of beauty and here I was, just another average human before her.

But when I saw her eyes brim with tears, then was when I knew. She cared for Peter. A lot.

"Her?" She asked, her voice cracking. Tears brimmed in her eyes and a sadness came over Peter.

"Why her?" She asked in desperation.

"Belle, I-"

She shook her head and composed herself. "This is a crime Peter. Do you not understand what they're going to do to you? You're never going to be able to use your powers again. You're going to be banned from Neverland!"

Jenna let out a cough from behind me and Belle's eyes scanned over her and Thomas.

"And that's okay," replied Peter.

"No, it's not okay! What about all of the boys and girls who need you? You're going to risk it all for her?" She said in anger.

Jenna stepped forward. "Look boo, I don't know who you think you are but you can keep all that hot mess over there. Don't be giving attitude to my best friend because you want what she has. Sorry boo, that's not how life works."

"And who are you to be talking?" She asked, crossing her arms over her chest.

"I'm standing up for my best friend," replied Jenna. " Peter makes her happy and she deserves happiness. So does he. Who are you to take away their happiness?"

I was so touched that I was nearly going to cry. I had never expected such kind and touching words to come from her. Peter took my hand and looked lovingly into my eyes.

"That's a crime! Peter!" Screamed Belle as she looked at our interlocked hands.

I shrugged, "What's it to you hun?"

"You're going to give up everything that you had up in Neverland for this...this average mortal?"

Shaking my head, I smirked. "No, no, no hun. You've got that wrong. I'm his girlfriend."

And Peter proudly smiled down at me.

© Lightning_Stryker 2016

Pan [Lost Boy Series #2]Where stories live. Discover now