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Thank you all so much for reading Pan! It seems like this book just flew by so fast! I am so filled with emotion right now that I'm shocked I'm not crying right now (could also be the song I'm listening to. It gets me every time XD)

So in this book, I had fun opening a new part of Peter and Laney's relationship. It was a fun, fast-paced short story and it was a brand new experience for me as a writer to have balance humor and seriousness. As some of you could tell, this book did have a bit more humor than the last-mostly with the addition of Jenna. Gotta love all the Victoria's Secret jokes XD

With the addition of Thomas and Jenna, I had a lot of fun experiencing different personality types. Jenna is a fun, upbeat character and I'm not used to having many characters like her. She was definitely fun to write. 

Thomas on the other hand is a smart, more reserved kid but he does have a backstory. More of it will be revealed later on in the story!

I had such fun experiencing the more grown-up side of Peter and Laney and hope to make them mature into the brilliant adults they will be in the next installment of the Lost Boy Series that will come in 2017. 

With Belle (for those of you who didn't get it, she's Tink ;P) and now the newest addition of Jack Frost (I'm so excited for him!) I can't wait to see where this story will go!


First and foremost, I want to thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for giving me the brains, motivation, and ability to write these stories. You are my everything.

Second, thanks to my family! All of your support means a lot!

AND LASTLY THANKS TO ALL OF MY LOST BOYS! To the ones who have been with me since the beginning and to the newer ones who tagged along in this book, thank you all for the amazing amount of love and support you've given both me and this story. You all are amazing and nearly put me to tears every time I write about how awesome you are! 


Pan [Lost Boy Series #2]Where stories live. Discover now